
Full Speed: How Freescale Is Helping McLaren Push Motor Racing’s Limits

Smarter controlled ECU products are making race cars smarter than ever, and its all thanks to the IoT

10 years ago

TalkTalk: ‘Affordable’ 1Gbps Ultrafast Can Restore Broadband Competition

TalkTalk Ultrafast head suggests 1Gbps service will be affordable and reiterates calls for Ofcom to break up BT and Openreach

10 years ago

Virgin Media Starts Network Expansion In Manchester

Virgin Media's £3 billion 'Project Lightning' will add 150,000 homes and businesses to its cable network

10 years ago

Will Robots Replace Border Guards At Airports?

Aeroplane passengers in the future could be greeted by robot border guards instead of immigration officers

10 years ago

Broadband ISP Switching Just Got Easy

This weekend new Ofcom rules make it easier to switch broadband provider, but why is Virgin Media excluded?

10 years ago

Poll: Are You Ready For the Internet Of Things?

We want to know what you and your business is doing about IoT. And why not enter our competition to…

10 years ago

The ‘Real IoT’ Will Shape The Energy Landscape Of The Future

Climote's Derek Roddy tells TechWeekEurope why smart energy usage could be one of the best use cases for the Internet…

10 years ago

Huawei Targets Enterprise Comms Market With Vodafone Partnership

Chinese firm signs ‘Strategic Alliance’ to share intelligence and research with the Newbury-based operator

10 years ago

Huawei: We Love Europe And Plan To Keep It That Way

Chinese giant reveals scope of co-operation with companies across the continent, as well as its view of the connected future

10 years ago

Hampshire Council: New Homes Should Be Built With Fibre Access

Hampshire County Council wants Westminister to give local authorities power to demand new housing developments include provision for superfast broadband

10 years ago

Open Standard Weightless-N IoT Network Goes Live In London

Weightless-N network goes live across the capital with support from the government's Digital Catapult centre

10 years ago

Baku 2015: Cloud-Based European Games Can Leave Sustainable IT Legacy For Olympics

Baku 2015 Technology Director Adrian Corcoran talks about the technology needed to power the first European Games and what the…

10 years ago

Ofcom Proposes Business Line Price Caps For BT

Ofcom says price controls will promote business broadband competition, but BT says they will discourage investment

10 years ago

Google Sidewalk Labs Targets Smart City Life

New startup Sidewalk Labs looks to develop unique technology to benefit the urban dweller

10 years ago

Dell: No One Else Can Provide ‘End-To-End’ IoT

Dell says no other vendor can match its scale in the IoT market, claiming it is ideally placed to capitalise…

10 years ago

Dell Opens First European IoT Lab In Ireland

Dell continues IoT push, opening facilities and launching products in Europe

10 years ago

Google Smart Security Camera Lets You Keep Watch Over Your Home

Nest-branded device leaks ahead of scheduled launch next week

10 years ago

Suffering From Slow Broadband Speeds? It’s Time For A Change, Says Ofcom

New Ofcom ruling makes it easier than ever before to dump substandard broadband contracts

10 years ago

IoT Could Help Local Government Cope With Budget Cuts

Vodafone research claims smart lighting and energy apps could save local authorities money and improve public services

10 years ago

Facebook Reportedly Abandons Satellites

Is space the final frontier for Facebook? Reports suggest it has abandoned satellite plans for

10 years ago

Internet Of Things: Don’t Let Data Go To Waste

Sanjay Jain from WNS Global Services tells TechWeekEurope how dealing with the data created by the Internet of Things can…

10 years ago

BT/EE Takeover Clears First Government Hurdle

£12.5bn deal gets phase 1 competition approval, bringing takeover one step closer

10 years ago

Vodafone Enters Consumer Broadband Market With ‘Connect’ Fibre Service

Vodafone hopes subsidised fibre and "innovative" router and companion app will win subscribers in crowded market

10 years ago

Microsoft Offers Skype For Web Across UK, US

Skype can now be accessed by any UK or US user via a browser plug-in

10 years ago

Cisco Inks Kansas City Smart Technology Deal

The 'smart city' scheme, with partners including Sprint and others, is to deploy a Wi-Fi network, city centre sensors and…

10 years ago

Glamorgan Cricket Chief: Network Upgrade Gives Us Edge Over Other Counties

Glamorgan Cricket CEO claims network upgrade will better serve media, help it beat other counties for England matches and take…

10 years ago

Qualcomm To Sell 1.4GHz ‘L-Band’ Spectrum To UK Operators

Qualcomm says airwaves can help improve 4G and 3G speeds using SDL technology

10 years ago

Cisco CTO Departs As Robbins Shakes Up Management Team

Padmasree Warrior is the latest departure from networking firm

10 years ago

Port Of Hamburg Uses IoT For Smart Traffic And Light Management

Port of Hamburg works with Cisco, Philips and others to efficiently manage roads, reduce energy and predict maintenance

10 years ago

Northern Ireland Pledges Additional £1m For Rural Broadband

Government promises more funding to help Northern Irish rural businesses and residents make the most of superfast broadband

10 years ago