News mobile OS

Windows Phone 7: Review

Microsoft had to do something pretty special with Windows Phone 7, to match iPhone and Android. It looks to us as if it might have done just that

7 min

Samsung Galaxy S Gets Upgraded To Android 2.2

Samsung has begun rolling out the upgrade to Android 2.2, or Froyo, for its Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate, Epic 4G, Captivate and Vibrant smartphones

2 min

eWEEK Readers Still Love The iPad

A third of you want iPads, and nearly a quarter don't want a tablet at all. Next up: What's the most important communication channel to your desk?

4 min

10 Reasons Android Keeps Gaining Momentum

Google's Android OS is more attractive than ever. It's a hit with smartphone makers, and Google is working to keep the mobile operating system on a roll

5 min

How Will Android Fare In The Enterprise?

Android smartphones will battle with BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and Apple iPhone for acceptance in the workplace, says Cameron Sturdevant

3 min

Windows Phone 7: A First Look

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is a bold re-invention of the user interface which could entice consumers and business people onto the platform

4 min

Dealing With Enterprise Mobile Security

From mobile malware to device management, enterprises need to have a plan for securing the smartphones connecting to their networks

5 min

Google Hits Back Over Oracle Android Lawsuit

Google has alleged that Oracle is singling out Android among open-source software, as it denied Oracle's claims of patent and copyright infringement

3 min

Can Windows Phone 7 Break The Consumer Market?

Micorosft's Ballmer has been sounding off about Windows Phone 7, but will it really pose a threat to Android's or the iPhone's market share, asks Nicholas Kolakowski

3 min

Apple’s iPhone Dons Google’s Goggles

Google made its Goggles visual search app a part of its Google Mobile Apps refresh for Apple's iPhone. Apple recently bought Polar Rose to compete

2 min

10 Reasons Windows 7 Tablets Will Flop

Windows 7 tablets might be discussed at Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 launch event, but the chances of those devices performing well are slim

6 min

Skype Jumps Aboard With Android App

Skype has jumped aboard the Android bandwagon as it released its VoIP app for the Android operating system, version 2.1 and above

3 min