Subscribers reported being unable to access mobile internet from midday on Thursday
BT expands testing of white space technology after confirming it will hold a trial in Cornwall
TeliaSonera begins selling Samsung Galaxy II LTE smartphones in Sweden
Previous claims that the 3 Network would introduce 4G speeds was based on misleading definition by T-Mobile US
This morning, in a London borough, a 4G LTE network was switched on, promising speedy mobile broadband
A new LTE network could run on Everything Everywhere's existing spectrum, said CEO Olaf Swantee
4G network LightSquared's latest troubles centre upon a financial dispute with satellite partner Inmarsat
LTE smartphones offer much faster mobile data access, but reports are also emerging of voracious power consumption
The European Parliament has voted to adopt a cross border spectrum policy to harmonise mobile broadband kit
Current 4G networks could struggle to deal with the huge projected increase in mobile data traffic in the next five…
LTE networks could offer the best solution to allow smart grids to communicate, claims a research firm
Qualcomm and Ericsson have achieved a mobile breakthrough after successfully transferring a voice call from LTE to a WCDMA network
London finishes 23rd in 3G speeds survey, raising doubts about its ability to cope with heavy Olympic demands
Virgin Media could bid for spectrum in 4G auction following private tests in the heart of London's West End
The finalisation of IMT-Advanced lays the groundwork for services 100 times faster than today's 3G
Ofcom proposes increasing coverage to 98 percent and won't reserve spectrum for Everything Everywhere
Verizon Wireless has claimed its 4G network outage earlier in the week was due to network "growing pains"
3 becomes latest operator to announce plans to trial 4G technology next year
LightSquared has asked regulators to give it the go-ahead for a 4G rollout in the US, despite GPS interference issues
The lack of global standards risks future problems with the rollout of 4G LTE services, the GSMA warns
4G services may not become available in Britain for another four years, according to Ofcom
The head of Ofcom issued a blunt warning to Britain's mobile operators to stop delaying the 4G auction
Online auction giant eBay is briefly opening a shop in London's West End for a short period of time
eBay's 'mobile manifesto' calls on the government and retailers to ease mobile shopping for customers