News Events

All-over-IP Expo 2015

All-over-IP Expo 2015 is a networking platform for global IT, surveillance and security vendors, key local customers and sales partners who share knowledge and exchange ideas that are financially rewarding for business. All-over-IP Expo brings together major brands to ensure the best marketplace for the latest technology and innovation, and to lead customers to the Next Big Thing.

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EdTech Europe 2015

EdTech Europe connects the global EdTech community through an exclusive one day, multi-track summit that provides first-hand insight into the trends, opportunities and issues that surround the e-Learning industry.

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London Enterprise Festival

More than 50 CEOs and senior executives from the some of the world’s most recognisable brands are assembling in the Camden Foundry this March for the capital’s first ever London Enterprise Festival, in an effort to engage and nurture local talent. Business leaders across nine distinct sectors will gather in the City to share insights, experience and discussions with aspiring entrepreneurs and industry professionals.

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Fintech – IC Tomorrow

Digital Catapult has partnered with Innovate UK, on their forthcoming IC tomorrow Fintech innovation contest. The contest aims to unlock innovation and value around financial technology - in both its use and application.

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Lean Startup Weekend

The Digital Catapult is proud to be part of the Lean Start-up weekend Hosted by Future Everything. The start-up weekend is the next phase of the Greater Manchester Data Synchronisation Programme (GMDSP). Giving participants the opportunity to work with highly skilled specialists to help bring their business ideas to life.

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Personal Data and Trust Network

The Personal Data and Trust Network aims to build and nurture a community that brings together industry, the public sector, funders, research organisations and innovators to support the UK in becoming the global leader in trust and responsible innovation with personal data. It aims explore issues faced by the industry around Personal Data and Trust, present the latest academic findings within a community dedicated and passionate about this topic.

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Environmental Data Exchange Hack 2015

Taking place at the Digital Catapult, the Environmental Data Exchange hack weekend aims to empower developers to unlock innovation, value and new business approaches through environmental data. With the ever-increasing pressure on energy, infrastructure and time, environmental data is a critical resource that cannot be ignored.

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2nd Annual Kingdom Cyber Security Forum

As cyber threats rise in Saudi Arabia, the Government and industries are upgrading security to build threat resilient cyber spaces. Taking place on 12-13 May 2015, the 2nd Annual Kingdom Cyber Security Forum will unite heads of security from the government, energy, banking and transport sectors on a common platform to address threats, and discover new approaches and technologies to cyber security.

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