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SEC Reveals Details Of Bidding War For Sun

An SEC affidavit filed by Sun Microsystems reveals the back story of how IBM, Hewlett-Packard and ultimate victor Oracle submitted competing bids as Sun dealt with the inevitability of a takeover

Sun Admits To Bribery Infringement

Oracle, which intends to acquire Sun and doesn't appear to be worried, said it knew about the report before it tendered its $7.4 billion offer

Green IT Is Mainstream: Now Comes The Hard Part

The move to greener IT is unstoppable - even in a recession. But IT departments have a tough job getting their message with the other 90 percent of the company, says Forrester's Chris Mines.

IBM Combines Cloud And SOA

WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance gives businesses a place to store SOA images and patterns that can then be brought into cloud environments

How To Run An Efficient Data Centre

The technology to make data centres more efficient is well-proven - but it's only implemented on a minority of data centre servers. Our new practical How To Guide will help you cut costs