US appeals court rejected the claims that £5.8m settlement favours Facebook and lawyers
The Internet Association aims to stop legislation like SOPA and PIPA
Apple's smartphone hasn’t been released yet, but Samsung already wants it gone
Insult added to injury for Larry Ellison and Co
iPhone 5 is already facing patent problems in China
Gottfrid Svartholm is to be deported but he might not be going back to Sweden, where he faces jail
Case could last for another two years at least
Gottfrid Svatholm could be sent back to Sweden to serve jail time
Talks to resolve the Apple Google patent war have taken place between CEOs Larry Page and Tim Cook, according to…
Galaxy S II, iPhone 4 and twelve other devices banned from sale
Wayne Rash says Apple increasingly looks like Ashton-Tate - the company which was eventually destroyed by patent litigation
Sabu is rewarded for his cooperation with the FBI
Accuses Apple of seven counts of patent infringement
The New Zealand judge wants Megaupload founder to be treated fairly
FACT and MPAA celebrate victory over Anton Vickerman
The company will have to make personal data unidentifiable after customers end their subscription
A ten-man jury will decide the fate of the smartphone giants
The blue bird doesn’t snitch on its users
Compensation for the O2 problem could be a legal minefield, and Patrick Clark says consolidation may make it worse
After eight years in court, the WordPerfect case is thrown out
The peer-to-peer sharing traffic is back to its pre-ban levels
The bank was paid $5 million for advice that led to Dragon's demise
Social network makes donation after alleged violation of users rights to name and likeness in sponsored ads
A US federal judge rules that tracking accusations should be investigated
European Court of Hunan Rights is Assange's last option, after a unanimous Supreme Court decision
WikiLeaks editor-in-chief keeps fighting on, as Assange lawyers head back to court
Search giant must find solution or face legal action in antitrust case
Two High Court judges have been unable to reach a decision in Paul Chambers' Twitter appeal, which will move to…
Apple injunction sees HTC One X and Evo 4G LTE held by US officials