
How To Explain Net Neutrality To A Five-Year-Old

The definitive definition of net neutrality by the experts for the kids (and adults, too)

10 years ago

Ramnit Botnet Crime Ring Taken Down By Europol

Euro cops shut down botnet that infected 3.2 million computers in order to steal banking information

10 years ago

Lizard Squad Hacks Lenovo Website And Intercepts Emails

Lenovo's main corporate website compromised in apparent revenge for Superfish adware

10 years ago

LinkedIn Settles Password Theft Lawsuit

LinkedIn pays nearly £1m to settle legal fight after security breach compromised 6.5 million user passwords

10 years ago

FBI Offers Biggest Ever Reward For Admin Of Gameover Zeus Botnet

Russian hacker behind the Gameover Zeus botnet is hit with world's largest ever reward for his arrest

10 years ago

Gemalto Hack Probe Confirms US, UK Spy Link

Gemalto's 'thorough investigation' concludes GCHQ and the NSA was probably behind 'sophisticated intrusion'

10 years ago

£226m Mt Gox Bitcoin Theft ‘An Inside Job’

Report of Mt Gox bitcoin exchange collapse fuels speculation of inside job after bot discovery

10 years ago

NSA Analysis Of Sony Hack Identifies North Korea

The NSA backs FBI conclusion that North Korea was responsible for the damaging hack of Sony Pictures

10 years ago

Google: FBI Wants To Hack Every Device On The Planet

Google warns US government it will fight proposals to allow “remote access” to every computer and device

10 years ago

Darkleaks Offers Whistleblowers Black Market Trades For Bitcoins

Shady website offers an anonymous marketplace for potential whistleblowers ...and blackmailers

10 years ago

LG Executive Indicted For Washing Machine ‘Sabotage’

Is nothing sacred anymore? Brand rivalry reaches new tipping point

10 years ago

Confused ISIS Hackers Attack Non-League Football Club

Islamic State hackers fail to find back of the net with hack of a English non-league football club

10 years ago

Revenge Porn Outlawed In England And Wales

Posting 'revenge porn' images and film online is to become a criminal offence and may result in a prison sentence

10 years ago

Microsoft And Samsung Finally Settle Up On Android Royalties Spat

‘Confidential’ solution apparently benefits both parties after long-running dispute

10 years ago

Qualcomm Facing Up To $1 Billion Chinese Antitrust Fine

Settlement would end a long-running investigation against the chipmaker

10 years ago

Secretive UK Court Declares GCHQ Mass Surveillance Program Unlawful

GCHQ was operating illegally for at least seven years between 2007 and 2014

10 years ago

Anthem Admits Data Breach After ‘Sophisticated’ Attack

US healthcare insurer admits 80 million customer and staff records compromised in a damaging cyber attack

10 years ago

Net Neutrality: Internet Providers Could Be Forced To Release The Chokehold On All Ya’ll

America's Federal Communications Commission gives net neutrality the thumbs up with latest proposals

10 years ago

Creator Of Online Black Market Silk Road Faces Life Behind Bars After Guilty Verdict

Ross Ulbricht AKA Dread Pirate Roberts was found guilty of seven federal charges, including drug trafficking and money laundering

10 years ago

NSA Reform Proposals Slammed As ‘Pitiful’

New proposals governing NSA data collection don't go far enough, campaigners complain

10 years ago

Prison Sentence Looms For Revenge Porn Owner

The owner of a 'revenge porn' website has been convicted of numerous charges in the United States

10 years ago

Pirate Bay Website Reemerges After Shutdown

The Swedish Pirate Bay website returns after it was taken offline during a police raid

10 years ago

Google To Change Privacy Policy, ICO Confirms

Google agrees to alter its UK privacy policy after escaping a fine by Information Commissioner

10 years ago

HP Autonomy Investigation Closed By Serious Fraud Office

SFO ends case saying there is "Insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction", but other investigations are ongoing

10 years ago

Google And Max Mosley Square Off Over Sex Party Images

Spank you very much, as Max Mosley slaps Google with a lawsuit over sex party images

10 years ago

Apple And Google Agree ‘No-Poaching’ Staff Deal – Report

Tech workers win settlement from Apple, Google and others over an alleged 'no-poaching' of staff pact

10 years ago

Government Wants To Be Able To ‘Crack’ Encrypted Messages

Prime Minister David Cameron calls for powers to allow spies to access the content of encrypted communications in fight against…

10 years ago

Can You Fly Drones In London?

Blog: TechWeekEurope looks at the city's no fly zones and the rules about flying drones in the UK

10 years ago

Sony Pictures Threatens To Sue Twitter Over Hack Leaks

As the Internet connection in North Korea recovers from a mysterious outage, Sony warns Twitter of a possible lawsuit

10 years ago

Microsoft Gains Allies In Overseas Data Legal Tussle

Microsoft's legal battle against attempts to access customer data held overseas gains influential backers

10 years ago