
Doubts Raised Over Global Internet Governance Body

Is the NetMundial Initiative, which seeks to create a world governing body for the Internet, in trouble?

10 years ago

Network Rail Could Offer Wholesale Fibre Services To Telecoms

Network Rail applies to Ofcom for powers that would allow it to extend its fibre infrastructure

10 years ago

Industry Group Says BT And Ofcom Are Stifling Broadband Competition

Ofcom and BT deny claims that current communications policy isn't creating a competitive market

10 years ago

Home Office Set To Introduce New Data Surveillance Plan

Measures to be introduced this week will require ISPs to retain IP address data and make it available to police…

10 years ago

Fibre Arrives In The Isles Of Scilly

First superfast broadband customers on the islands are connected after an unused undersea cable was diverted

10 years ago

White House Advisory Group: Governments Have Five Years To Secure IoT

Report identifies limited window of time for all governments to secure Internet of Things

10 years ago

Amnesty International Launches Anti-Spying Tool To Combat State Snooping

Want to know if a government has been spying on your computer? Amnesty offers a detection tool

10 years ago

RBS Is Fined £56m For Massive 2012 IT Failure

RBS gets penalties from the FCA and PRA for not having resilient IT systems and testing procedures in place

10 years ago

WhatsApp Turns On End-To-End Encrypted Texts

Fully encrypted Whatsapp messages a potential terrorist tool or just protection from GCHQ/NSA spying efforts?

10 years ago

MIT Lands Major Cyber-Security Funding Injection

American academic centres land the largest ever private funding deal for cyber-security research

10 years ago

Scottish BDUK Project Reaches 150,000 Properties

BT and Scottish Government praise the fastest BDUK rollout in the UK

10 years ago

New SMS-Based System Can Track Mobile Phone 999 Calls To Within 30 Metres

BT, EE and HTC say Advanced Mobile Location (AML) is 4,000 times more accurate than current methods and could save…

10 years ago

UK Data Centre Cuts Emissions After Green Investment Bank Funding

Green Investment Bank congratulated by Prime Minister on it’s 2nd anniversary - reveals data centre funding

10 years ago

Sir Nigel Shadbolt: Free Data Can Be ‘As Valuable As You Can Imagine’

The co-founder of the Open Data Institute talks about analytics and how to raise a new generation of data scientists

11 years ago

When Britain’s Green SMEs Go To China, Knowledge Goes Both Ways

When British cleantech companies visit the socialist state, Max Smolaks asks if they go to learn or to teach?

11 years ago