
China Demands Technology Firms Hand Over Source Code

Protectionism or national security? China demands foreign firms hand over source code for inspection

10 years ago

US Military Develops Invisible Biometric ‘Passwords’

The end of traditional biometric and password security? US Military signs deal for new ID verification system

10 years ago

Google And O2 To Back Government School Computing Drive

Government to announce support of big name tech firms supporting computing skills teaching in school

10 years ago

White House Leaves FTC To Decide Net Neutrality Laws

The FTC will decide how the Internet is governed after the White House said it already had the required powers

10 years ago

Britain And USA To Stage Cyber War Games

“Shall we play a game?” The UK and US are to launch cyber attacks on the City of London and…

10 years ago

EU Asks For Opinions About Using 700MHz Spectrum For Mobile Broadband

EU launches consultation over plans to use 700MHz airwaves currently used for Freeview for mobile services

10 years ago

Pro-Russian Hackers Boast Of German Website Attack

Hacker group claims to have hit websites of Angela Merkel and the German legislature among others

10 years ago

Nuclear Plant Discovers Worm Infection

Malware has been discovered in a device connected to the control systems of a nuclear power plant in South Korea

10 years ago

.Wales Domains Go On Sale

£50 reserve price allows businesses or individuals to register patriotic domain

10 years ago

Google Gmail Block Continues In China

China's Great Firewall reportedly blocks access to Gmail, but the Chinese media blame Google for the disruption

10 years ago

China To Introduce Cloud Trust Rating

Move could lock out foreign cloud providers not passing security tests

10 years ago

Mobile Operators To Invest £5bn To Improve Rural Coverage

Government abandons controversial national roaming plans in favour of a new legally binding agreement by mobile operators

10 years ago

Motorola Solutions: Data Analytics, IoT And 4G Can Transform Public Safety

Motorola Solutions says it can make cities safer places to live and is confident about its future following the sale…

10 years ago

Spy Agency GCHQ Launches New Code-Making App

Can the notorious snooping bureau inspire the future defenders of cyber space?

10 years ago

Apple And IBM Launch First Industry-Specific ‘MobileFirst’ Apps

New apps targeting public and private sector are made available to enterprise customers

10 years ago

Hacker Training To Cost Only £38

Fancy honing your hacking skills? Well, cheap online tutorials are on offer, but only white hats should apply

10 years ago

Microsoft Azure Government Cloud Hits General Availability

After more than a year in preview, Redmond makes general available its Azure Government Cloud service

10 years ago

Ofcom Wants Total Superfast Broadband Coverage As Average Speeds Reach 23Mbps

Ofcom says cost and complexity should be no barrier in rolling out superfast broadband to homes and businesses, many of…

10 years ago

Human Error Blamed For Increasing Number Of Data Breaches

ICO figures obtained in a FoI reveal that humans not machines are responsible for 93 percent of data breaches

10 years ago

Government Deal Paves Way For ‘Digital ID’ System

Dutch firm Digidentity looks to give UK citizens more secure access to online company and government services

10 years ago

Government Extends Super Connected Cities Broadband Scheme Until 2016

Chancellor's Autumn Statement also reveals that the number of northern cities in the Super Connected Cities will be 'doubled'

10 years ago

NHS Trust Gets More Efficient With Vodafone Patient Mobile Platform

District nurses can spend more time with patients thanks to Vodafone deployment which reduces amount of travelling and paperwork

10 years ago

BT Wants UK To Embrace History Of Innovation On ‘National Inventors Day’

BT research reveals that most children and adults don't consider themselves to be inventive

10 years ago

Estonia Officially Welcomes Its First E-Residents

New scheme allows access to online services such as banking and healthcare, even if applicants aren't Estonian citizens

10 years ago

Superfast Cymru Connects ‘Most Remote’ Location In Wales With 16km Of Overhead Fibre

Homes and businesses in the most remote location in Wales earmarked for superfast broadband can now access FTTP services

10 years ago

Ineffective National Roaming Would Slow 4G Rollout ‘By Two Years’

EE and the GSMA voice opposition to government national roaming plans as consultation ends, saying it would reduce network investment…

10 years ago

UN Resolution Warns of ‘Intrusive’ Digital Spying

Privacy concerns highlighted by UN Committee in wake of mass surveillance and data interception revelations

10 years ago

Doubts Raised Over Global Internet Governance Body

Is the NetMundial Initiative, which seeks to create a world governing body for the Internet, in trouble?

10 years ago