
Can IT Win The Green Turf Wars?

The recession has put IT and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on a collision course. Will IT grow up , and…

15 years ago

Microsoft Hires Top Chip Expert From Sun

According to reports, Tremblay will be joining Microsoft's Strategic Software/Silicon Architectures group, also known as SiArch

15 years ago

Ex-Microsoft Space Tourist Returns To Earth

Simonyi is perhaps most famous for spearheading the development of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and other productivity applications

15 years ago

US Power Grid Hacked: Is The Smart Grid Safe?

Foreign spies placed malware on the US electricity grid. Where does this leave government security, and the Green Grid?

15 years ago

Enterprise Networks Can Cut Emissions, Too

From Energy Efficient Ethernet to a company's own supply network, there's a lot that networks can do to reduce a…

15 years ago Launches Free Mobile Service

Launched in London, and runs on iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices

15 years ago

UK Reveals £650m ID Card Contracts

The government has awarded contracts to CSC and IBM to upgrade biometric passports and other systems that will pave the…

15 years ago

Sun, Do You Have A Plan B?

As its deal with IBM evaporates, Sun needs a backup plan. Chris Preimesberger thinks there might be another deal on…

15 years ago

Red Hat UK MD: Recession Will “Legitimise” Open Source

The recession has been good for open source vendors but not so good that Red Hat 's UK boss wants…

15 years ago

Reports Claim IBM Is Close To Sun Buyout

Sun has agreed to accept a lower price in return for stronger commitments from IBM that it will complete the…

15 years ago

Microsoft Launches New Cloud Applications

Microsoft, like Google, and other major IT entities, have been exploring ways to bring software-as-a-service (SaaS) to an ever-broader…

15 years ago

Google Springs AI April Fool

The search giant makes light of rumours about its intentions for artificial intelligence

15 years ago

Gartner: IT Spending Down Nearly 4 Percent in ’09

Gartner has released a new report that shows the overall gloomy global economy is forcing enterprises to cut back on…

15 years ago

EC: Major Cyberattack Could Cost £179bn

There is a 10 to 20 percent risk of a major failure in communications networks within the next 10 years,…

15 years ago

UK IT Departments Face Remote Working Rise

New government regulations could extend flexible working to an extra 4.5 million UK staff

15 years ago

£30m IT Project Helped Drag Dunfermline Down

Questions are being asked about the degree to which a costly IT project contributed to the decision to effectively nationalise…

15 years ago

Oracle Improves Enterprise Database Admin

The database maker has announced tighter integration between Oracle Database Vault, the company's database access control technology, and Enterprise Manager

15 years ago

Google Succumbs To Downturn With Job Cuts

Google announces plans to lay off 200 employees on its sales and marketing teams

15 years ago

Union Puts IBM Job Cuts At 10,000

By the time the latest round of layoffs are completed, IBM will have cut nearly 10,000 jobs, according to unions

15 years ago

Can Dell Deliver The Full Monty?

Dell is wasting time with claims about server performance. The real story is the management tools it says can free…

15 years ago

UK Pays Female IT Pros A Third Less

Not surprisingly, with lower pay, the UK lags behind Ireland and Italy in employing women in IT

15 years ago

UK IT Departments Unprepared For Carbon Trading

Research from Gartner says not enough companies are preparing their IT systems for the data management and analytics required for…

16 years ago

UK Government: We’ll Secure Smart Meters

The Department for Energy and Climate Change has moved to reassure users over fears on smart grids

16 years ago

AT&T Launches Smart Grid Despite Hacking Concerns

Security consultants have engineered a worm which can bring down smart grids - while AT&T launches a product and the…

16 years ago

UK Government Defends Use Of Second Life

"Fantasy world" innovation centre could save taxpayers money by reducing travel, according to the DWP

16 years ago

Research: IT Contractors At Odds With Contracting Budgets

Over half of business think they are paying too much for contractors at a time when IT budgets are shrinking

16 years ago

Big Blue Helps Emerald Isle Be Greener

IBM is lending its technical help to a cloud computing project to monitor marine pollution in Ireland

16 years ago

Sun Plans 27 teraflop Computing Center In South Africa

Sun Microsystems is providing the hardware and software for what will become South Africa's largest HPC environment.

16 years ago

EC: Green IT Can Combat Climate Change

The tech industry should lead the way when it comes to adoption of energy efficient IT, says a European Commission…

16 years ago

BigFix SAM Tool : Track Enterprise Software

How many software packages, licenses, versions and locations are spread across your company? If you can even start to answer,…

16 years ago