
Secure Tweets: Three Business Apps Rated

Socialcast, Socialtext and Huddle; three services offering the features of Twitter, Facebook and other Web 2.0 technologies but palatable to…

15 years ago

Will The FTC Follow the EC’s Intel Fine?

All eyes are on the US Federal Trade Commission, after the EC's record fine of Intel, says Peter Judge. Meanwhile,…

15 years ago

AMD Welcomes Intel’s EC Fine

That's three strikes, from three antitrust agencies, says the rival chipmaker

15 years ago

Intel Will Appeal Against £950m EC Fine, Says Otellini

Intel denies accusations of rigging the market against rival AMD and will be protesting against the fine

15 years ago

Intel May Face Billions In EU Fines

Intel has been charged with purposefully shutting AMD out of the market. If the EU fine of Intel is big…

15 years ago

SEC Reveals Details Of Bidding War For Sun

An SEC affidavit filed by Sun Microsystems reveals the back story of how IBM, Hewlett-Packard and ultimate victor Oracle submitted…

15 years ago

Citrix Receiver for iPhone: Enterprise Apps Go Mobile

If you are using Citrix XenApp to distribute applications to Windows machines, you should look at Citrix Receiver for iPhone…

15 years ago

EC Backs Green Benefits for Future Internet

EU Commissioner Viviane Reding calls for a well developed broadband infrastructure, smart cities and smart energy grids

15 years ago

Google’s Android OS To Grow 900 Percent

The Apple iPhone OS will follow behind it, as the second fastest-growing smartphone OS

15 years ago

Sun Admits To Bribery Infringement

Oracle, which intends to acquire Sun and doesn't appear to be worried, said it knew about the report before it…

15 years ago

Government Demands Green IT Metrics As Standard

The UK Department for Work and Pensions says it won't pay extra for information about the carbon impact and efficiency…

15 years ago

UK Will Get Tough on “Sweating” IT Assets

Green IT is not just about energy efficiency, the length of time that equipment is used is also key to…

15 years ago

Sun Shareholders Launch Lawsuits Against Oracle Deal

The legal actions claim that the £4.8bn compensation proposed by Oracle is unfair and inadequate

15 years ago

Google Discusses Plan For Greater Openess

At least one consumer advocacy group has decided to refute the search engine giant's claims in a particularly high-profile way

15 years ago

UK Claims World’s First “Mandated” Green IT Targets

An update to the Greening Government ICT strategy this July will include 10 "mandated targets".. but will that mandate be…

15 years ago

BCS Launches “Formal” Green IT Qualification

Issues such as the impact of environmental legislation and reducing carbon emissions will be covered in the three day course…

15 years ago

Businesses Will Buy 3.5m Netbooks in 2010

Research firm Techaisle predicts netbook sales worldwide will climb in 2009 and 2010 as IT budgets get trimmed and companies…

15 years ago

Dell And Nvidia Back Affordable Supercomputing

Dell is offering Nvidia's Tesla GPU technology in three of its Precision workstations, a move it says will make supercomputing…

15 years ago

Ballmer Discusses “Valuable” Yahoo Deal

Microsoft and Yahoo had a much-publicised battle in 2008 surrounding a possible takeover

15 years ago

Oracle Is Nuts To Stick With Sun Hardware

Larry Ellison has committed Oracle to investing more in Sun's SPARC, apparently because he think servers are like iPhones. That's…

15 years ago

Green IT Is Mainstream: Now Comes The Hard Part

The move to greener IT is unstoppable - even in a recession. But IT departments have a tough job getting…

15 years ago

Vizioncore Manages Multiple Virtual Machines

vControl lets end users set up virtual machines in the leading hypervisor environments - and IT can manage them all…

15 years ago

IBM Makes Its SMB Blades More Dynamic

Upgrades to the BladeCenter Express product should let smaller businesses save power and mix operating systems, IBM says

15 years ago

Microsoft To Lose Another 3000 Staff

That more or less completes the 5000 announced earlier. But there could be more in store

15 years ago

ISO 27001 Security Management? “It’s Bloody Brilliant!”

Security standards let management push back against over-enthusiastic IT security fans, says governance expert Alan Calder

15 years ago

UK Spies Compare Web Monitoring To WWII Codebreaking

GCHQ claims an internet surveillance project is nothing sinister but simply part of its ongoing struggle to keep pace with…

15 years ago

Windows Server 2008 R2: Better For Virtualisation

The new 64-bit-only Windows Server hosts a number of virtualisation improvements but migration may be problematic

15 years ago

Windows 7’s Costly Compatibility Issues

Polished yes, but elevated costs ensuring hardware and software compatibility may hold back business adoption of Windows 7

15 years ago

EU Wants ICANN Free Of US Government Control

Less government involvement in a fully privatised ICANN is the way forward according to European regulators

15 years ago