
Facebook Bigot Jailed for Eight Months

Stephen Birrell of Glasgow is sent to prison for sectarian abuse aimed at Catholics and Celtic fans on Facebook.

13 years ago

Google Shutters Buzz, Jaiku

Google has shut down Buzz and Jaiku as it looks to focus on more successful endeavours such as Google+

13 years ago

Oracle Social Network Launched For Cloud

CEO Ellison took the wraps off a business Social Network to front the new Oracle Public Cloud

13 years ago

Steve Jobs’ Passing Exploited By Facebook Scammers

Facebook users shared links about Steve Jobs' death while sick scammers cashed in on the interest

13 years ago

EU To Give Green Light For Microsoft-Skype Takeover

The European Commission is to give its approval for Microsoft to buy VoIP service provider Skype

13 years ago

Protecting Facebook Users Makes Good Websense

It's great to see Facebook shelling out on Websense security to protect its users - but who will protect us…

13 years ago

Facebook Recruits Websense To Secure Users

Facebook has linked up with Websense to warn users of malicious links posted on the social network

13 years ago

Facebook ‘Frictionless Sharing’ Raises Privacy Issues

The privacy implications of Facebook's frictionless sharing for social apps are causing concern among experts

13 years ago

Facebook Fixes Cookie Privacy Issue

Facebook has changed the way it handles cookies, after accusation that it leaked personal data

13 years ago

Google+ Gets Integration, Plans World Domination

Google is integrating new services into Google+, says Clint Boulton. That should help in its bid to catch up with…

13 years ago

Facebook Timeline: Good News For Google+

Users who don't like Facebook's new look could migrate, says Clint Boulton. but will Google+ turn into something better?

13 years ago

Facebook Makes Bold Bet With ‘Timelines’

Facebook's Timelines interface feature allows history information sharing, but could alienate many users

13 years ago

Zuckerberg Unveils Timeline And Open Graph At F8

Facebook announced a new Timeline-based profile for users' chat histories, at its f8 developer conference

13 years ago

Facebook Rejigs News Feed, Adds Real-Time Updates

Facebook's move to reorganise the way updates appear in news feeds has annoyed its users

13 years ago

Google+ Exits Testing And Opens To General Public

Google’s answer to Facebook, Google+, has exited its testing phase and is now open to the general public

13 years ago

Google+ And Facebook: Who’s Copying Whom?

Google+ and Facebook are copying the crap out of each other - and that's good for consumer choice, says Clint…

13 years ago

ODCA Meets OCP To Accelerate Data Centre Greening

Data centre efficiency standards groups from Facebook and Intel share... for greater efficiency

13 years ago

Blanket Social Media Ban Is Not The Answer

Talking with staff about social media policies and pitfalls is just as effective at securing your company as network-policing, says…

13 years ago

Follow A Stranger With Facebook Subscribe

Facebook has subscribed to the Twitter model with a more-granular version of the Follow button

13 years ago

Facebook Urged To Purchase HP’s webOS

Facebook should acquire webOS so it can use it as a content platform springboard, says analyst

13 years ago

Facebook Smart Lists To Counter Google+ Circles

Facebook has responded to Google+ Circles with an improved friend list, that is dubbed 'smart lists'

13 years ago

Favourite Android Apps Revealed In New Study

New research has listed the most popular Android apps on mobile platforms based on usage

13 years ago

Social Networks Take Up A Quarter Of Web Time

Tumblr and other social networks are catching up to Facebook in the social networking arena, according to Nielsen

13 years ago

Data Breaches Cause Firms To Ban Social Media

One in three companies block social media sites at work, because of fears of data breaches

14 years ago

Majority Of Brits Now On Facebook Or Twitter

The number of British adults using social networking sites has passed 50 percent for the first time

14 years ago

IT Security Challenged By Mobiles And Social Media

Symantec's State of Security Survey highlights mobile devices, social media and consumerisation worries

14 years ago

Facebook Hands Over £25,000 To Bug Hunters

Facebook has coughed up £25,000 to researchers as part of its newly introduced bug bounty program

14 years ago

Facebook Drops Daily Deals Programme

Facebook has pulled the plug on its shopping discount service after just four months

14 years ago

Government Backs Down On Social Media Blackout

The government has U-turned on a proposed policy to black-out social networks during riots

14 years ago

Rights Groups Oppose Kneejerk Facebook Block

Human rights organisations are opposing a suggested block on social networks during times of civil unrest

14 years ago