
Quiz Of The Week: Are You CEO Material?

How well do you know the leaders of the tech industry? Take this week's quiz and find out

12 years ago

Facebook Submitted Bid For Microsoft’s AOL Patents

Social network's bid was rejected for being too low

12 years ago

MPs Call in Google, Facebook, ISPs For Snooping Law Briefing

MPs will meet with tech companies to discuss controversial new proposals

12 years ago

Facebook IPO On 17 May?

Rumour says Facebook will float on May 17

12 years ago

Sergey Brin: Apple, Facebook Comments ‘Distorted’

Sergey Brin says the media didn't give a wholly accurate representation of his thoughts

12 years ago

How Facebook’s Paedophile Blocking Can Backfire

Facebook's blocking system is flawed, but linguistic and behavioural software can fix it, argues Tom Brewster

12 years ago

Google’s Brin Warns Internet At Risk From China, Apple, Facebook

China has contained the Internet, and Facebook and Apple are restricting it, warns Google founder Sergey Brin

12 years ago

Facebook Generously Lets Users Download Their Own Data

Users will now be able to access data about IP addresses, previous names and friend requests

12 years ago

Google+ Revamp Aimed At Facebook

Google+ changes are introduced, but some question the 170 million users claim

12 years ago

Five Disturbingly Simple Ways to Steal Facebook Logins

There are some simple ways to hack Facebook accounts, so users should be wary about what they hand over to…

12 years ago

Facebook Buys Instagram Over Protests Of Some Users

Facebook is to pay £630m for Instagram, though some of the photo-sharing app's 30 million users have complained that the…

12 years ago

Yahoo To Slash 2,000 Staff, More To Come

Redundancies to affect all areas of the company

12 years ago

Ice IX Malware Variant Steals Facebook Users’ Credit Card Details

Modified malware uses a web injection to imitate Facebook and ask for personal details

12 years ago

Facebook Countersues Yahoo Over Patents

Facebook has hit back at Yahoo's lawsuit and filed its own countersuit, accusing it of infringing ten patents

12 years ago

Apple Pulls ‘Stalker App’ From App Store

Girls Around Me allowed users to track women on location-based services

12 years ago

Facebook Shaping Secret Social Search Engine

Facebook is reportedly developing an improved social search engine as it gears up for its forthcoming IPO

12 years ago

Facebook Heads For $5bn May IPO

Private trades are closed, as Mark Zuckerberg plans to float Facebook in May

12 years ago

Vulnerabilities Uncovered in Google, Facebook Single Sign-On

Research from Microsoft and Indiana Universtiy Bloomington finds a range of ways to hijack the single sign-on systems used across…

12 years ago

Friends Reunited Relaunches As Nostalgia Site

Owner Brightsolid wants users memories as the veteran social network re-emerges

12 years ago

Facebook Condemns Employers Asking For Job Seekers’ Passwords

Facebook is officially pushing back against employers who want job applicants to disclose their Facebook passwords

12 years ago

Apple and Facebook in US App Privacy Probe

US Congressmen ask for info on what data social app makers are taking

13 years ago

Facebook Bolsters Legal Defences By Purchasing 750 IBM Patents

Pre-IPO Facebook has bought 750 patents from IBM to better defend against Yahoo's lawsuit

13 years ago

EMC Combines Big Data, Social Nets And App Development With Pivotal Labs Buy

Pivotal Tracker will combine with EMC's Chorus to harmonise applications for Big Data developers

13 years ago

Mitel Files Patent Lawsuit Against Pre-IPO Facebook

Facebook dealt another patent suit in run up to initial public offering

13 years ago

Yahoo Is Risking Its Reputation With Facebook Lawsuit

Yahoo treads a dangerous path in attempting to profit from Facebook, writes Chris Preimesberger

13 years ago

Yahoo Hits Facebook With Patent Suit

Ailing search giant Yahoo follows through on patent threat against Facebook/p>

13 years ago

NATO Admiral Hit By ‘Chinese’ Facebook Attack

Information about friends, family and colleagues of NATO's most senior admniral were harvested by social engineering attack

13 years ago

Facebook Suffers Outage In Parts Of Europe And Asia

Early morning downtime reported by users across several countries

13 years ago