
Digg Dug Its Own Grave

Social darling Digg dug its own grave by ignoring users, says Chris Preimesberger

12 years ago

BBC Study Questions Facebook Ad Value

You may be wasting money getting people to Like you

12 years ago

Facebook Patents Dispute With Yahoo Ends With New Partnership

Two of tech's biggest names settle their patent dispute and enter new advertising and marketing agreements

12 years ago

Telefonica Signs Mobile Payments Deals With Facebook, Google, Microsoft

Network looks to take advantage of its billing network across Europe for mobile payments

12 years ago

Linkedin Drops Twitter Feeds As Partnerships Dies

A LinkedIn and Twitter partnership comes to an end as the latter looks to get a grip on the developer…

12 years ago

Sophos Highlights Security Risk After Facebook Email Change

Facebook's decision to make the address the default email address is a security risk, warns Sophos

12 years ago

Facebook Defaults To Facebook Email Addresses

Users of the social network now have address listed by default

12 years ago

Microsoft Buys Social Network Yammer For £763m

Microsoft has confirmed plans to purchase enterprise social networking site Yammer for $1.2 billion

12 years ago

Louise Mensch’s Twitter-Like Menshn Opens In UK

Louise Mensch's social network launches in the UK to cover England's Euro2012 failure

12 years ago

Twitter Denies Hackers Caused Fail

UGNazi hackers claimed responsibilty for an outage, Twitter denied it

12 years ago

Facebook Acquires Recognition Technology

Social network set to bring the technology that powers its tag suggestions feature in-house

12 years ago

Facebook Pays $10m To Charity To Settle Privacy Lawsuit

Social network makes donation after alleged violation of users rights to name and likeness in sponsored ads

12 years ago

Microsoft Adds Yelp To Search Results

Microsoft will add reviews from community review site Yelp to its search results for restaurant reviews, stores and other businesses

12 years ago

Facebook Ads Work, Claims Research

Facebook and comScore say the social network is capable of marketing miracles

12 years ago

Smart City Search Engine Uses Sensors

University of Glasgow search engine project will use social media and sensors to take the pulse of a city

12 years ago

Websites To Be Forced To Reveal Cyber-bullies

The government says victims of cyber-bullying can demand the IP addresses of their tormentors

12 years ago

UBS Facebook IPO Losses ‘As High As $350m’

UBS is considering legal action against Nasdaq following Facebook's IPO, a report claims

12 years ago

LinkedIn Apologises For Password Breach

Social network LinkedIn has provided more information on a security breach that affected roughly 6.5 million user passwords

12 years ago

Facebook Launches App Center

App Center promises to make using and sharing apps easier for Facebook users

12 years ago

Which Social Media Channel Is Best For Business?

Do you get best results from Facebook. Twitter, or going to the pub? Let us know!

12 years ago

LinkedIn: Keep Calm And Keep Connecting

LinkedIn may be a boring place with no secrets, but those passwords are important, says Peter Judge

12 years ago

Report: Nasdaq Set To Compensate For Facebook’s IPO Glitch

Stock exchange is set to atone for the technical problems that hit the Facebook IPO

12 years ago

Facebook ‘Pages’ Admins Get New Privacy Controls

Facebook has created more limited roles for administrators of its marketing pages to help protect privacy and security

12 years ago

Twitter Sees Sharp Rise In Daily Users

The spread of mobile phones may explain an explosion in the proportion of Twitter users accessing the site 'on a…

12 years ago

Facebook Site And Stock Go Down

Facebook is having a tough time, with its website and shares taking hits

12 years ago

Opera Shares Jump Amidst Facebook Takeover Talk

Facebook is reportedly interested in buying Opera, making the latter that bit more valuable

12 years ago

Twitter Bomb Joker Case Hits Stalemate

Two High Court judges have been unable to reach a decision in Paul Chambers' Twitter appeal, which will move to…

12 years ago

Facebook’s Shares Continue To Drop, Regulators Are Concerned

Morgan Stanley might have improperly disclosed information to the investors

12 years ago