BT Openreach engineers will no longer visit homes to install new broadband connections, but exceptions will be made for the vulnerable

BT Openreach engineers will no longer visit homes to install new broadband connections, but exceptions will be made for the vulnerable
Internal memo allegedly says that Apple will begin reopening some stores in the first half of April, but which ones and in what countries remains unknown
Soft skills still top of the requirement list for tech employers, according to data from online career and hiring marketplace Digital Profile. Learn which skills your business needs to stay competitive and profitable.
Social networks are turning to AI and automated tools to police social networking posts, as staff are sent home due to Covid-19 pandemic
One of the world's richest men has stepped down from the board of the company he helped to create, to spend more time on his philanthropic priorities
Nothing to do with the coronavirus outbreak...Carphone Warehouse to close all standalone stores, which will result in the loss of 2,900 jobs
We are hiring. Amazon is on a hiring spree for additional staff amid a surge of online orders, as the world battles the Coronavirus pandemic
Scale of the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK revealed as BT chief executive Philip Jansen is confirmed as infected with the virus
Workers at Amazon can take unlimited sick days in March in an effort to try and stem the Coronavirus pandemic around the world
Alphabet's Google division has ordered all of its Northern American staff to work from home, if possible, until at least 10 April
Nice golden handshake for long-serving CEO and chairman Ginni Rometty, after she ends stint at IBM with $20.1 million payout
Jack Dorsey survives intervention by activist shareholder group, after admitting he will reevaluate plans to move to Africa due to coronavirus outbreak
On International Women’s Day, Silicon UK celebrates women across the tech sector. With key insights, unique skillsets and a drive to succeed, women are transforming the technology sector.
Oracle staff in Europe reportedly called in for meetings on Wednesday where they are warned 1,300 jobs will be cut at a number of locations
With skilled workers becoming increasingly hard to find, could a digital employee be the answer to chronic skills shortages?
Staff in Seattle and Silicon Valley to work from home, as Microsoft joins other companies trying to limit spread of coronavirus
Activist shareholder Elliott Management has reportedly taken a sizeable stake in Twitter and is seeking Jack Dorsey's removal
Privacy compromise. American company that has a database of more than three billion photographs of people has been hacked
Does Facebook and Google still need immunity from legal liability for user post? US Attorney General doesn't seem to think so
Europe launches ambitious digital strategy as it seeks to create single European market for data in an effort to combat Silicon Valley and Chinese rivals
More powers on the way for British communications watchdog Ofcom, after Government decides Internet firms cannot regulate themselves
Is it hyperbole about the coming automation revolution? Are robots about to take our jobs? In this first feature, we bring some much-needed sanity to the debate. Which sectors are likely to be most affected? Should these people start looking for new jobs? And from the business side, what is the reality of automation? Will it massively cut costs and increase productivity?
Long serving CEO and chairman of Big Blue, Ginni Rometty, is to retire on 6 April, and will be replaced by cloud boss Arvind Krishna
Deadly coronavirus outbreak in Chinese mainland has lead Apple to temporarily close 42 stores in that country, it has been reported
Social networking giant pays out nearly half a billion dollars to settle long running biometric data lawsuit in the United States
Security firm Avast announces it is immediately winding down Jumpshot division and terminating data sharing with it, following privacy scandal
Can independent oversight board restore faith in Facebook's and Mark Zuckerberg's handling of questionable content?
The role of the CIO is evolving with more of a focus on revenue and strategy, according to the 2019 Global CIO Survey from Logicalis. The survey reveals that although CIOs are becoming more strategic and accountable, they are also under pressure with reduced budgets and higher security risks.
London engineering centre will see significant increase in workforce, as Facebook seeks growth in post Brexit United Kingdom
Finnish equipment maker Nokia pledges to increase its investment in developing 5G technology, but at the same time confirms 180 job cuts