A product resulting from the Cold War, the GPS system has transformed people's lives and indeed journeys
Put your knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the test
Vodafone's IoT technology gets a seal of approval
Researchers say using the robot is like having a co-pilot with 600,000 hours of experience
Do you look like a criminal? Chinese researchers believe their facial algorithm can detect your criminal tendencies
Online grocer develops 4G protocol to talk with robots operating its newly automated warehouses
Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) has created its first own language through the use of machine learning
Scientists have created a supercapacitor that can be recharged 30,000 times without degrading
INTERVIEW: Fujitsu’s CTO Dr Joseph Reger discusses ways to address negative issues artificial intelligence throws up
Robots and AI's future in the workplace, how drones can help Africa and Fossil CTO talks about the potential of…
Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer says his firm's technology priorities over the next ten years are getting people connected and offering…
Leading figures from Cisco, Facebook, Accenture and others talk about the future of technology at Web Summit 2016 in Lisbon
The system will look to protect airports, car test tracks, stadiums and critical infrastructure from drone snooping
ANALYSIS: We have the Internet of Things technology, but its use has yet to properly get off the ground
The consortium hopes to create an industry standard for the use of blockchain technology in the financial world
The search giant and car makers objected to potential regulatory roadblocks the autonomous driving development
Swiss telco launches ultrafast broadband capable of 500Mbps that includes the use of humble copper lines
The famous theoretical physicist welcomes the establishment of an academic institution exploring the impact of artificial intelligence
Elon Musk’s car company is determined to usher in an era of autonomous cars
Smart systems will have a role in the future of warfare on the high seas
The system can transcribe conversational language as accurate as professional transcriptionists
Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt voiced concerns that Autopilot will lead to drivers not paying attention to the road ahead
Canonical creates campus 'Research Cloud' to help Carleton University offer centralised system for researchers
James Gosling said most IoT efforts are simply tinkering rather than proper smart network deployments
But AI will also present new opportunities for health, education, energy, and the environment
Quantum cryptography is being deployed to make intercepting communications on fibre networks all but impossible
The AI system mixes deep learning neural nets with external memory to further mimic human learning
So far the government has shown a lack of leadership on addressing concerns over smart robots replacing human jobs, claims…
Huawei will send researchers to UC Berkeley to work on the next wave of AI tech
IMAX and Odeon are looking to bring virtual reality into cinemas