Social network for IT pros now lets members issue RFQs and buy ink cartridges online
News Green-IT
Veeam Says One Third Of Enterprise Servers Are Virtual
A new portal from Veeam has revealed the extent of the penetration of virtualisation into enterprises
Data Centre To Save Yorkshire Water £90k Per Year
Yorkshire Water is set to save itself £90,000 a year thanks to a new data centre incorporating green tech
Solar Photomaps Reveal Free Electricity
3D aerial mapping technology is spotting roofs in SE England, ripe for solar panels
European Data Centres Set For Impressive Growth
The data centre sector will grow another 28 percent, according to a report from Tariff Consultancy
Smart Grids Face Health Backlash
Campaigners against smart grids say the radio networks they use will cause cancer. Peter Judge thinks they are overstating the case
ITU To Highlight Green Role Of ICTs At COP17
The International Telecommunication Union will back IT's green credentials at the UN's next climate conference
Smart Meter Penetration Set To Rise, Berg Finds
Rising energy costs and national rollouts are driving the uptake of smart meters into homes and businesses
NASA Plants Sustainability Base On Planet Earth
NASA's new office in San Jose is said to be the US government's most sustainable building
Green Consortium Wins ‘Open Platform’ Funding
A consortium that includes IBM and academics is developing a platform to exchange climate change data
The Fight For Server Efficiency Is Not In The Cloud
Campaigns against energy waste in the data centres may not be looking deeply enough, or in the right place, says Peter Judge
Forrester: The Cloud Is Inherently Green
The cloud is inherently green, but cloud service providers need to broaden the scope of their green credentials
Government Keeps Simpler Green CRC Tax
The CRC green tax remains, but adjustments have been made, and there is still room for consultation
Microsoft’s Hohm Green-IT Initiative Withers
Microsoft is closing its Hohm energy-consumption initiative in May and Google is retiring PowerMeter
Proton Urges Data Centres To Consider Fuel Cells
Carbon-conscious data centre managers should examine hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative to diesel backup, says Thomas Melczer
IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer Grabs Green Title
IBM’s Blue Gene/Q has topped the Green500 list as the most energy-efficient supercomputer
Greenpeace Makes Peace With Data Centres
Data centre operators should be more open about their energy use, according to Greenpeace
British Server Cabinet Maker Kell Joins APC
A British provider of innovative soundproof server cabinets for offices has become part of APC
AMD Chips To Offer Power-Capping Technology
Opteron chips with the "Bulldozer" core will allow power reduction without impacting performance
UK Smart Grid Security ‘Too Fragmented’: Study
A new study has urged the government to take a more joined-up approach to security smart grids
Russians Play Farmville For Real
Russia's i-Ogorod service will let users remotely grow real flowers and vegetables
Porous Aluminium Could Boost Battery Life
Aluminium Celmet, developed in Japan, could make rechargeable batteries last three times longer
Data Centres – Watch Japan’s Energy Crisis
Japan's energy crisis is bringing about changes to data centres. The same thing will have to happen here, says Peter Judge
White Space Radio Trial Checks Nuts And Bolts
The Cambridge test is not designed to convince Ofcom, but to check the practicality of white space radio, says Glenn Collinson
BT, BBC and Microsoft In Cambridge White Space Trial
Cambridge will test whether "white space" radio systems can communicate and solve Britain's broadband crisis
Industry Suffers As Apple Grabs Polymer Batteries
Greedy Apple has charged out to buy up lithium-ion polymer batteries, leaving its rivals hungry for power
Researchers Propose Energy Generation From Typing
Typing on the keyboard of a laptop or smartphone could power it, boffins have said
Unix Servers Growing As Mainstay Of Data Centres
Unix systems continue to be a cornerstone in enterprise data centres, despite soaring sales of x86 servers
Google Throws Extra £64m Into Wind Energy Project
Google's renewable energy commitment continues after it added more money for a wind project
Wimbledon: Cool Servers Score With Tennis Viewers
This year, Wimbledon goes 3D and IBM's liquid-cooled systems serve deeper analysis to the audience