Even in the remoteness of Iceland, data centres still have to keep physical security in mind.
Iceland's green data centre pioneers can now boast of some big customers, says Peter Judge
Quizzed about PRISM, PT promised data "safety" at Europe's largest data centre
After the failure of Google Health, the choice of Art Levinson to run Google's Calico is a good one, says…
When British cleantech companies visit the socialist state, Max Smolaks asks if they go to learn or to teach?
Intel’s open source executive explains the chipmaker’s commitment to open source and the OpenStack cloud
See if you score more than your toaster on our Internet of things test!
Peter Judge used to think PC power management was the coolest thing in Green IT. Now he isn't so sure
Iceland is a development site for a giant cloud, built to prepare insurance firms for disasters
"This is the largest deal of its kind worldwide,” says Landis+Gyr CEO
NEC is cooling server racks with fluid that changes to a vapour and back
Big Blue moves closer to hyperscale computing
Silicon photonics has enabled a public-access quantum computer, says Peter Judge,. It will also reshape the data centre
Power-crazy PCs get told to relax by new software
Companies focused on doing good can get a free version of the cloud-based productivity suite
Qualcomm to advise new electric vehicle motorsport championship on sustainable technology
Intel's MXC connectors could cut cable clutter and prompt a big data centre rethink
Ahead of the launch next week of its new cheap iPhone, Apple faces fresh worker violation claims
Data centre managers can tweak their power management on an iPad
Raspberry Pi-controlled cameras in Kenya's wildlife parks could help keep rhino poachers at bay
Shiny new data centres get the plaudits, but Peter Judge likes retrofits that clean up older sites
Google hooks up with Nestle, seen by many as a corporate bad guy
Neelie Kroes is pushing ahead with roaming cuts - and seems to disagree with the UK government over public cloud
Spending on cloud services is growing faster than the overall IT market, but is still a small part of overall…
Kalray's low-energy mujlticore chips have potential inside and outside the embedded market.
Internet,org wants to get the developing world online. Peter Judge asks if it is all about winn ing new users…
Greenpeace thinks a copyright order wasn't the only reason its video of an anti-Shell protest at the Belgian Grand Prix…
Red Hat's plans for CloudForms, its hybrid cloud management technology, include Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation interoperability and OpenStack integration
At VMworld 2013, VMware chief executive Pat Gelsinger laid out his vision for the future of the cloud
Customers using Amazon Web Services' US-East data centre availability zone experienced service problems for several hours due to a device…