News Artificial Intelligence

FinTech Part 2: Building the FinTech Ecosystem

FinTech Part 2: Building the FinTech Ecosystem

How are FinTech companies innovating? What's the tech that sits behind the development of their apps and support networks, and what these advancements might mean for wider industries and consumers.

Automation Part 2: Your First Robot Employee

Automation Part 2: Your First Robot Employee

Automation in the workplace will have many forms. The rise of AI could usher in new businesses processes that need little human input. In a world of automation, will businesses be able to integrate these systems with their workforces?

Machine Learning

Automation Part 1: The Robots Are Coming

Is it hyperbole about the coming automation revolution? Are robots about to take our jobs? In this first feature, we bring some much-needed sanity to the debate. Which sectors are likely to be most affected? Should these people start l ...

The State of Mobile

The State of Mobile

What is the current state of mobile, and how will this sector develop over the next few years? For businesses, is a mobile-first development strategy essential for their long-term growth and profitability?

Microsoft HoloLens in healthcare

Wearable Healthcare: Vital Signs for CTO Innovation

As the wearable technology sector continues to expand, CTOs considering their company's next innovation in this space should pay close attention to healthcare. With personalized health monitoring growing, wearable healthcare is set to ...

GoodBox installed its GBx Pro terminals in the Natural History Museum

Giving With a Tap: Charity Technology in Action

The charity sector has been rapidly adopting new technologies to keep pace with how giving has changed. Today, charities and non-profit organizations are at the forefront of technical innovation.

Ben Taylor, CTO, Rainbird.

Machine Intelligence: The Value of Today’s AI

As the co-founder and CTO of Rainbird Technologies, Ben is the driving force behind the fusion of human expertise and automated decision-making. He holds degree in artificial intelligence from the University of Sussex, is a former Adob ...

Big Data Analytics

Data Lakes and Big Data Analytics

As the quantities of data collected today by businesses grow exponentially, managing and then analyzing these vast datasets is now an essential skill all enterprises must master.

Why Collect Data?

Making Sense of Big Data

Data is your business’s most precious commodity. Finding value and actionable insight in Big Data are vital components of all successful enterprises

Market information displayed on a screen. Iot, data analytics.

Inside Knowledge: IoT Data Collection and Analysis

IoT can enable businesses to collect vast quantities of data. Analysing that information is critical to deliver the actionable insight enterprises need to ensure their IoT deployments meet their defined strategic planning.

Paul Knight, Partner, Mills & Reeve

Trust, Privacy, Ethics and AI

Paul Knight is a Partner at the national law firm Mills & Reeve. Knight specialises in issues of privacy, user data regulation, and its intersection with new technology.