Artificial Intelligence

Former Google Boss Eric Schmidt Calls Out Huawei’s ‘Unacceptable Practices’

Eric Schmidt says Huawei does pose national security risk and has engaged in 'unacceptable acts', but the Chinese firm denies…

4 years ago

Microsoft Bans Facial Recognition Sales To Police

Software giant follows IBM and Amazon with police facial recognition ban until there is national regulation of the technology

4 years ago

IBM Cancels All Facial Recognition Programs, Urges Police Reform

Big Blue cancels its facial recognition programs and calls for reform and new ways to work with law enforcement, "to…

4 years ago

Facebook Moderators Agree $52 Million Settlement After PTSD Lawsuit

Facebook has agreed a multi million dollar settlement with content moderators who sued it for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and…

4 years ago

Automation: In Focus

Marcos Kauffman is currently the Director at the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) - Coventry University Institute for…

4 years ago

Automation Part 3: A New Age Of Work

In this final part of Silicon UK’s look at automation, we consider what the future holds for all enterprises. What…

4 years ago

Coronavirus: Huawei Launches Flagship P40 Smartphone During Pandemic

Photography-focused P40 smartphone range launched by Chinese tech giant, as it contends with US restrictions, and potentially a chip ban

4 years ago

Coronavirus: AI Takes Over Social Network Moderation As Staff Sent Home

Social networks are turning to AI and automated tools to police social networking posts, as staff are sent home due…

5 years ago

The Spooky Network: Is the quantum network the future of the Internet?

Perfecting the quantum computer could finally be in reach. Data and communications are now an enterprise’s most precious asset. If…

5 years ago

Facial Recognition Firm Clearview AI Hacked

Privacy compromise. American company that has a database of more than three billion photographs of people has been hacked

5 years ago

NTSB Slams Tesla’s Autopilot Safeguard, Blames Regulator Oversight

Tesla and US safety regulators criticised over a lack of safeguards in a fatal 2018 Autopilot crash by US National…

5 years ago

AI and Public Standards

As the Committee on Standards in Public Life release their awaited report considering AI and its impact on the delivery…

5 years ago

Met Boss: Facial Recognition Less Concerning Than Knife In Chest

The United Kingdom's most senior police officer Cressida Dick has strongly defended the use of facial recognition by police forces

5 years ago

FinTech Part 2: Building the FinTech Ecosystem

How are FinTech companies innovating? What's the tech that sits behind the development of their apps and support networks, and…

5 years ago

European Commission Unveils Strategy For Digital Future

Europe launches ambitious digital strategy as it seeks to create single European market for data in an effort to combat…

5 years ago

Automation Part 2: Your First Robot Employee

Automation in the workplace will have many forms. The rise of AI could usher in new businesses processes that need…

5 years ago

Automation Part 1: The Robots Are Coming

Is it hyperbole about the coming automation revolution? Are robots about to take our jobs? In this first feature, we…

5 years ago

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty Steps Down, Arvind Krishna To Take Over

Long serving CEO and chairman of Big Blue, Ginni Rometty, is to retire on 6 April, and will be replaced…

5 years ago

Google Disappoints After Revealing YouTube’s $15 Billion Revenue

Strong financials from Google's parent, as it reveals for the first time the turnover of YouTube and Google Cloud business

5 years ago

Twitter Demands AI Firm Cease Facial Image Collection

Privacy concern. Cease-and-desist letter from Twitter to AI firm Clearview demands it stop collecting photos from social media platforms

5 years ago

Waymo Awarded $128m Over Staff Move To Uber

Arbitrators award Waymo $128 million over Uber's use of stolen technology after employee defection to rival driverless car division

5 years ago

CES 2020: Samsung Shows Off Virtual Keyboard

Look Mum, no keyboard. Samsung shows off invisible keyboard that uses AI and finger tracking via a device's 'selfie' camera

5 years ago

Sonos Slaps Google With Patent Lawsuit Over Smart Speakers

Speaker maker Sonos alleges Google stole its technology, and it now seeks a sales ban on all Google speakers, phones…

5 years ago

Facebook To Remove Deepfake Videos, If It Meets Certain Criteria

U-turn at Facebook? Social network confirms it will remove some videos modified by artificial intelligence, known as deepfakes

5 years ago

The State of Mobile

What is the current state of mobile, and how will this sector develop over the next few years? For businesses,…

5 years ago

CES 2020: Rules To Govern AI Proposed By White House

US administration also wants European nations to adhere to rules over the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI)

5 years ago

Former Executive Slams Google Over Human Rights

Former head of international relations has alleged that things have changed from Google's original moto of “don't be evil”

5 years ago

AI More Accurate Than Doctors For Detecting Breast Cancer – Report

AI system from Google is more accurate than doctors in diagnosing breast cancer from mammograms, study from UK and US…

5 years ago

New Tesla Fatal Accident To Be Investigated

Tesla vehicle allegedly may have been on autopilot when it ran a red light at the weekend and killed two…

5 years ago

Intel Pays $2 Billion For AI Firm Habana Labs

Chipmaker continues to open the cheque book to fund growth of its AI expertise and portfolio, with $2 billion Habana…

5 years ago