Home Secretary on visit to US warns tech firms it may force them to use it for UK operations
ANALYSIS: The SpaceX Falcon Heavy's successful launch into orbit marshals in a new era of practical space operations for private…
UK teenagers are to be taught about artificial intelligence with the launch of a new deep learning teaching kit
British PM to propose new advisory body to oversea safe and ethical deployment of AI, and urges tech firms to…
Yann LeCun steps down as boss of Facebook's artificial intelligence group, replaced by a former IBM executive
UK and France agrees to a digital conference to promote deeper integration in the digital economy
The research centre, staffed by 150 engineers, is to be located in Shannon, western Ireland, where Intel also has a…
Cortana is safe for now, as Microsoft confirms Cortana is being incorporated into more OEM devices
At CES, Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich outlined the company's latest quantum computing advances and its move into autonomous cars…
Some assume the Kinect is another tale of Microsoft hardware woe, but it was both groundbreaking and innovative
Lets hope it is keyless entry, as Nissan research says cars in future will tap into signals from the driver’s…
Demis Hassabis has been named CBE for breakthroughs by the controversial Google-owned British artificial intelligence company
Bad robot? Increasing automation must not drive workplace wage inequality, think tank warns
Coinbase was one of three exchanges that suspended Bitcoin trading on Friday as the cryptocurrency lost about one-third of its…
National Association of Head Teachers cautions against machine learning scheme for school inspections
Software giant reveals AI updates to its product portfolio, as it signs deal to bring Reddit content to Bing
Google to open AI research centre in China, despite country's ban on its products
Successful Alexa voice assistant to expand out of consumer market and into the business world
Blockchain could be used to give citizens control over how their identity information is shared with public services, argues the…
The planned removal of a 2015 US law could mean more charges for large businesses and start-ups, not to mention…
Samsung will supply 250,000 toughened handsets to offer mobile data, live-streaming video and more for the emergency services
Industry has to invest in ‘fourth industrial revolution’ technologies, despite skill worker shortage, says report
Report questions whether local authorities have capability to combat cyber threats and safeguard personal data
Apple reportedly plans to back its belief in AR with dedicated hardware
Volkswagen to carry out traffic optimisation, material, and machine learning research on Google quantum computer
NHS Digital is to collaborate with the supplier-led INTEROPen group on the development of APIs for exchanging health data
The operation, set up to promote data collaboration by any public sector organisation in the county, is thought to be…
A UK-led study into 'twisted light' could be a significant move toward broadband at fibre-optic speeds, but without the need…
Chinese giant hopes to convince industry to turn cloud virtual reality into a fully functioning ecosystem
Parexel International will use Microsoft Azure to accelerate clinical trials and enhance patient engagement