CTO Matthew Postgate outlines his vision of mobile and virtual reality future for the BBC
Following a two-year overhaul, CERN's Large Hadron Collider is to begin exploring unknown dimensions of the physical universe
Who needs humans? Google granted new patent to give robots customised personalities
Keytree's Will Powell tells TechWeekEurope why enteprise apps for wearables could be a game-changer
Were you caught out by any of these April Fools pranks?
£15.99 offering is the world’s smallest remote-controlled drone
Singapore Equinix IBX data centre gets green award for its solar power and cooling technology
Dash Button lets you order household items when you’re running low
Customers will be able to top up and control energy usage 24/7 using app, text, phone or desktop
Amazon is carrying out experimental drone-delivery tests in Canadian airspace in order to avoid 'arbitrary restrictions' by US flight authorities
Over 45 million units will be sold this year as trend for wearable tech explodes, IDC figures claim
KPMG report predicts wide range of benefits from next generation of vehicles
In-store experience zone to open April 10, offering pre-sale previews of all Watch versions
Clients can now design and test different networks using SDN, virtualisation and analytics
Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and drones all form part of future view
New algorithm can identify integer overflows, one of the most widely encountered bugs in computer programs
Huge rise in smartphone-synced devices make wearables a lucrative area
LEOcoin founders tell TechWeekEurope why their new exchange will transform the way people shop online
Social network’s new initiatives revealed ahead of F8 conference
Bitcoin-beater unveils LEOxChange at London event
Company could utilise folding screens for a potential Galaxy S7
£29 device syncs with your smartphone to offer fitness and sleep tracking functions
Yang Yuanqing posts pictures of mystery smartwatch on Weibo
Increased governmental support and higher R&D spending will also help medical nanotech reach $8.5bn by 2019
Virgin, which already competes in the all-electric Formula E race, said it may develop a consumer vehicle
Activité and Activité Pop smartwatches aim to help users track their lifestyles and improve their everyday well being
Alessandro Porro, VP of international sales at software firm Ipswitch, urges companies to prevent disruptive trends from destabilising their networks
Chocks away! Amazon drone testing gets an official thumbs up from American aviation authorities
Sean Jackson, CMO at EXASOL, an analytic database management software company, believes the UK Government is finally getting something spot…
Prototype device built out of grass from Twickenham rugby stadium as well as older smartphones