
Russia’s Yandex: Revenue Up, Share Price Down

It's the world's fourth biggest search engine , but investors are hard to please

12 years ago

US Start Up Accelerator TechStars Comes To London’s Tech City

Tech City attracts a world leading entrepreneur nursery

12 years ago

Tech Sector Welcomes London Stock Exchange High Growth Segment

Tech City boss welcomes a new route to the London Stock Exchange that could suit tech startups

12 years ago

Cabinet Office Announces Funding For “Social Incubators”

Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd gives money to socially positive start-up incubators

12 years ago

Schmidt To Sell £1.6 Billion Worth Of Google Stock

Former CEO will unload 3.2 million shares, keep 4.4 million for a rainy day

12 years ago

LinkedIn Results Once Again Exceed Expectations

The “professional” social network has been beating earnings forecasts for seven quarters in a row

12 years ago

LeWeb London To Bring Together “Digital Hippies”

The summer event will explore transparency, authenticity, and could even involve meditation rooms

12 years ago

Microsoft Bets $2bn On Dell’s New Deal

While Michael Dell is making a big bet, Microsoft''s loan to Dell is a canny gamble, says Peter Judge

12 years ago

Start-Up Tawkon Rides Radiation Scare To Build Phone Coverage Maps

Tawkon feeds paranoia for the benefit of mobile users everywhere

12 years ago

NASDAQ Could Be Fined $5 Million Over Facebook IPO

Investors lost as much as $500 million when Facebook went public, but the stock exchange says it’s not to blame

12 years ago

Dell Goes Private In $24 Billion Buyout Deal

Michael Dell takes control of the company, backed by Microsoft

12 years ago

TotalBooX Sells eBooks By The Page

An Israeli start-up wants to stop people from buying books before they read them

12 years ago

Tel Aviv – Where Start-Up Culture Has Its Time Machine

Israel's government and private sector nurture new talent at the Time incubator

12 years ago

Apple No Longer World’s Most Valuable Public Company

Silicon Valley powerhouse lost 37 percent of value since September 2012

12 years ago

BitCoin Casino Earns Over £50,000 A Month

Online gambling boosts the virtual currency ecosystem

12 years ago

US Banks Hit By Denial-Of-Service Attacks

Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America have been hit by attacks that make it difficult for customers to access…

12 years ago

EMC And VMware To Fold Products Into New Cloud Entity

EMC has revealed plans to create a new entity that combines its and VMware's data analytics and cloud apps portfolios

12 years ago

HP Discover: HP, Autonomy And Vertica Units Launch Combined Big Data Push

HP bumps up Big Data appliances while Autonomy legal suite could prove useful in HP's Autonomy legal cases

12 years ago

WordPress.com Welcomes BitCoin Payments

The decentralised virtual currency gets a high-profile supporter

12 years ago

Worldwide Tablet Market Grows As Apple iPad Share Declines

Rivals erode Apple's share, but iPad manufacturer accounts for more than half the market

12 years ago

Vodafone Mobile Wallet To Launch Next Year

Mobile wallet will launch in Europe in Q1 2013 after operator signs deal with CorFire

12 years ago

Nokia Loses To RIM On Smartphone Sales

The Finnish company drops to the sixth place in the smartphone chart

12 years ago

Tinkoff: How To Build An Online Business In Russia

RUSSIA: Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov visits London to talk about his latest projects – Tinkoff Credit Systems and Tinkoff Digital

12 years ago

Banking Summit 2012: Can ICT Save The Banks?

ITALY: Could analytics and social media provide a real change in banking, that boosts the economy and satisfies customers?

12 years ago

FinTech Accelerator Space Level39 To Open At Canary Wharf

Level39 will offer Tech City startups a chance to disrupt the financial sector

12 years ago

Google Worth More Than Microsoft

Google becomes the second richest tech company in the world

12 years ago

Cancer Research Reaches For The Cloud For Massive Performance Boost

How modern cloud computing and storage solutions are helping find a cure for cancer

12 years ago

HP Is Working On A Multi-Currency Smartphone E-Wallet

Offers to store your dollars, pounds and roubles on an iPhone

12 years ago

Dreamforce 2012: JP Rangaswami – I Hope Salesforce Stays A Start Up Forever

Salesforce is still a start-up and should remain so, chief scientist JP Rangaswami tells TechWeekEurope

12 years ago