Data Storage

Google Is Bringing Local Machine Learning To Android Smartphones

Google is using the technique to train and improve its Gboard smart keyboard

8 years ago

Data Protection Watchdog Fines Eleven More UK Charities

Good causes doesn't excuse misuse of personal data says ICO, as it fines charities for 'wealth screening'

8 years ago

General Motors Connects A Quarter Of Its Robot Workforce To The Internet

The car giant uses cloud-based data analytics to prevent disruption to the robotic assembly line

8 years ago

Visa Offers Amazon Business Purchase Data For UK Enterprise Customers

More visibility into purchases means easier reconciliation for business accountants

8 years ago

Teradata Universe: Six Ways Data Can Make Your Business A Digital Leader

Data has gone mainstream, but can you be considered a digital leader?

8 years ago

Teradata CEO: We’ve Got Our ‘Swagger’ Back

Teradata CEO salutes re-energised company with new customer-centric focus

8 years ago

What Even Is World Backup Day And Why Is It Important?

We take a look at the origins of World Backup Day and why businesses should take it seriously

8 years ago

Home Office Criticised Over ‘Flimsy’ Consultation For Investigatory Powers Act

Longer consultation needed. Open letter slams Home Secretary Amber Rudd for 'breaching' Cabinet Office guidelines

8 years ago

Intel Optane Drives Bring 3D XPoint Memory Tech To PC And Laptops

The chip maker aims to shake up storage in consumer and business PCs

8 years ago

Tech Quiz: Big Data Analytics

Big data is a big deal in the IT world and beyond. But how much do you know about this…

8 years ago

The Story Of CeBIT 2017: AI, VR And Robot Football

IN-DEPTH: CeBIT is not what it once was but it's still the world's biggest computer conference. Here is the story…

8 years ago

Oracle: Big Data Is Proving Harder Than Previously Thought

Oracle's big data lead explains the difference between 'good hard' and 'bad hard' as well as the future ethics of…

8 years ago

How IBM Plans To Serve The ‘Making Better Decisions’ Business Market

ANALYSIS: IBM's multibillion-dollar strategy for a market no-one else has ever heard of...

8 years ago

ARM Debuts DynamIQ Processor Architecture WIth An Eye On AI & Machine Learning

The Cambridge tech firm is expanding the scope of its big.LITTLE design

8 years ago

Intel Launches Line Of Super-Fast Optane SSD Cards

The Optane memory technology is significantly faster than NAND flash, with features aimed to please cloud operators

8 years ago

IBM Launches Cloud-Based Enterprise-Ready Blockchain Service

Big Blue wants major companies to get stuck into blockchain networks

8 years ago

Google’s Deepmind NHS Data Deal Lambasted By Paper

NHS patient data sharing with Google Deepmind slated in paper, but Google and Royal Free Trust fire back at 'significant…

8 years ago

Three Education Tech Trends For 2017

What can we expect to see in education technology over the next 12 months?

8 years ago

Google’s Deepmind Promises Auditable Healthcare Data Tracking

Verifiable Data Audit promises to deliver bitcoin-like tracking to give patients peace of mind about their personal data

8 years ago

IBM Researchers Store Data At Atomic Level On The World’s Smallest Magnet

Nanotechnology and quantum tunneling look to be the future of data storage

8 years ago

Facebook Releases Bryce Canyon Storage And Big Basin AI Design To Open Compute Project

Design specification released for Facebook's new storage platform, coupled with the new AI 'Big Basin' Design

8 years ago

Machine Learning Is The Future Of Sports Data

Machine learning and AI are playing bigger roles in sports data collection, as Patrick Lucey, Director of Data Science at…

8 years ago

Nvidia Targets AI At The IoT Edge With Jetson TX2

The graphics giant keeps making its play into the world of artificial intelligence

8 years ago

Google Blasted By Danish Watchdog Over Uncapped TIme Storage Of Personal Data

The search giant is being probed yet again by a European watchdog

8 years ago

IT Life: Ron Tolido, Capgemini CTO

Global Chief Technology Officer for Capgemini’s Insights & Data organisation, Ron Tolido, discusses hit IT career, excitement for AI, and…

8 years ago

Oracle Launches Data Integrator Cloud For Easier Enterprise Data Wrangling

The Data Integrator Cloud aims to pull together data for analysis across an entire enterprise

8 years ago

HPE: We Lost Our Way Before Meg Whitman HP Inc Split

HPE’s EMEA MD credits CEO Meg Whitman with turning company around and giving it a clarity of vision

8 years ago

Microsoft Encrypts Cloud Data With Azure Storage Service

Azure users will be able to encrypt their cloud data by default as Microsoft previews Storage Service Encryption

8 years ago

TiVo’s Analytics Pinpoint Highlights Of Super Bowl LI

ANALYSIS: TiVo uses second-by-second data and measurement tools to rank the top commercials from this year’s championship game.

8 years ago