Space experts will join speakers including dot-com innovator Martha Lane Fox at an upcoming health service conference
News Cloud
Google Android On 20 Handsets This Year
Although Android is open-source, manufacturers will be able to sign distribution deals with Google in order to pre-install their phones with more options such as Google Apps
IBM Luring Unix Customers Onto Linux Mainframes
IBM, which is seeing a continued resurgence in the mainframe space, is offering new migration services and financial incentives in hopes of luring away some HP and Sun Unix customers
Obama Declares IT A Strategic Asset
In a speech today, U.S. President Barack Obama pledged to treat the country's digital infrastructure as a strategic asset and announced the creation of the position of cyber-security coordinator
Green IT Pressure Is Growing
CIOs may be more keen to save money than save the planet, but after this year's Copenhagen Forum the pressure to go green will get more serious, says Michael Vizard
Netbooks Are Not a Business Solution
Machines that are underpowered and hamper your employees' productivity are not going to catch on anytime soon.
EMC Admits To Rising Carbon Emissions
Despite action to improve its sustainability, the company says green house gas emissions are still rising
First Ever Intel Core i7 Laptop Launched
The Intel Core i7 processor will power a new laptop being offered by AVADirect. Expected benefits include triple-channel memory and DDR3 memory running up to 1333MHz.
Green IT Appetite Is Growing
Environmental responsibility is driving growing green IT spending, not cost savings, a survey says.
Server Virtualisation – Some Real Cost Savings
Server virtualisation promises to save space, costs and energy, but two UK local authorities have discovered there's more to achieving these benefits than the technology alone.
How to solve the eWaste issue
It's no good wringing our hands over eWaste. The answer is simple if we have the political will to outlaw all dumping of electronic waste, says Tony Roberts of Computer Aid International
NEC EA261WM: A Display With Green Ambitions
Including a carbon meter and a lower power eco-mode could help raise awareness of power usage in the office
Romania Issues €100 Million To Microsoft Without Bids
Contracts are drafted to exclude any alternatives and hand the money over to Redmond, say local activists
IBM Offers Government Stimulus Kit On Credit
Why wait for government cash for green projects when you get the technology right now and pay later, says IBM
Yahoo Would Sell To Microsoft For “Big Money”
Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz has suggested that she would sell Yahoo's search apparatus to Microsoft in exchange for a massive amount of cold, hard cash
Server Shipments Down 25 Percent Year on Year
The global server market saw revenue and shipment declines across all major segments during the first quarter as enterprises delayed system purchases in light of the crushing worldwide recession, according to IDC
Intel’s Nehalem EX Server Chip Spells Doom For RISC?
... and it's not great news for Itanium either, as Intel announces a monster Nehalem multiprocessor chip
IT Consultant Extends Green Olympics Contract
Atos Origin has made much of its commitment to provide sustainable IT for the Olympics - a contract it will now keep till 2016
NHS Takes Action Over Data Security
The information commissioner has criticised the NHS over its data protection efforts while some patients could choose to delete electronic information
Blades, Storage Arrays To Get Efficiency Rating
Now that the first-tier specification for energy-efficient enterprise servers is completed, the US EPA is turning its focus to larger servers, blades and storage arrays
Emulex Boss Rebuffs Broadcom Offer
Emulex president and chief executive Jim McCluney in a letter to stockholders calls Broadcom's offer inadequate
In The Euro Election, Vote For Free Software!
The open source movement wants to see government contracts open to proper competitive tendering. Let's see how that issue plays in the Euro elections, says Peter Judge
Carbon Reporting Model To Meet Future UK Laws
With the UK government about to impose mandatory carbon accounting, PwC has produced a reporting model which it says will do the business
Scotland Gets Europe’s Largest Wind Farm, and Smart Power Training
Engineers will take smart grids across Scotland thanks to a government backed Energy Academy
NHS Trust Leads Way With E-Patient Records Project
While the £12.7 billion NHS upgrade scheme has yet to deliver, one NHS Trust has gone ahead with its own patient record system - and expects to save £3.2 million
IBM Solidly Behind SSD Servers
IBM is placing increased emphasis on the emerging solid-state server, storage, and software sector of the data centre
US Airforce Denies GPS Failure Reports
A US government report predicted that as old satellites begin to fail over the next few years, GPS coverage could decline
Local Government Sets Green Computing Example
Local government is stealing a march on central government in its use of virtualisation to harness cost savings and power efficiencies,
EC To Regulate State Aid For Next-Gen Broadband
Stimulus packages to build high-speed broadband must not fall foul of state aid rules, warned European commissioner Neelie Kroes
Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough
If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal costs, adds up to a new discipline, says Hitachi Data Systems' David Merrill - a storage economist