With the UK government about to impose mandatory carbon accounting, PwC has produced a reporting model which it says will do the business
News Cloud
Scotland Gets Europe’s Largest Wind Farm, and Smart Power Training
Engineers will take smart grids across Scotland thanks to a government backed Energy Academy
NHS Trust Leads Way With E-Patient Records Project
While the £12.7 billion NHS upgrade scheme has yet to deliver, one NHS Trust has gone ahead with its own patient record system - and expects to save £3.2 million
IBM Solidly Behind SSD Servers
IBM is placing increased emphasis on the emerging solid-state server, storage, and software sector of the data centre
US Airforce Denies GPS Failure Reports
A US government report predicted that as old satellites begin to fail over the next few years, GPS coverage could decline
Local Government Sets Green Computing Example
Local government is stealing a march on central government in its use of virtualisation to harness cost savings and power efficiencies,
EC To Regulate State Aid For Next-Gen Broadband
Stimulus packages to build high-speed broadband must not fall foul of state aid rules, warned European commissioner Neelie Kroes
Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough
If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal costs, adds up to a new discipline, says Hitachi Data Systems' David Merrill - a storage economist
Malware Testing Heads To The Cloud
The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization has adopted a set of best practices around testing cloud security offerings
Google Says No To Newspapers, Yes To Online News
Google chief executive Eric Schmidt has said while his company is not interested in buying physical newspapers it could put its mark on online news sites
Google Polishes Chrome Browser
Google has high hopes that Chrome's unique features will make it a suitable competitor to Microsoft Internet Explorer and other browsers on the market
UK Government To Force IT Training At Suppliers
If you want government money, you'll have to show your IT training plan, says skills secretary John Denham
Young People See Good Prospects In IT
IT is beginning to be accepted as a "career of choice" with good prospects by young people but the older generation is proving harder to convince
Number 10 Dodges Phorm Investigation Calls
Despite threats of EC legal action and consumer complaints, the Prime Minister's Office has said Phorm is not its problem
Fault Tolerance (Re)Discovered
Fault tolerant virtualisation technologies can be hardware or software based but they don't necessarily offer the same level of protection for business-critical processes.
Google Partners With US Utilities On PowerMeter
Google plans to expand the Google PowerMeter rollout later in 2009
Microsoft Previewing Kumo Search Engine
Microsoft, along with Yahoo, is in fierce competition with Google for market share in the U.S. core search arena
Intel And AMD Increase Core Count
Intel next week is expected to give details of its upcoming eight-core Nehalem EX processors, which will be aimed at high-end systems with four or more sockets
Windows 7’s XP Mode Could Boost Linux and The Mac
Window 7's XP Mode will get users used to the idea of desktop virtualisation - and make it easier for them to move to Linux or Mac OS, says Jason Brooks
Sustainable IT Holds Opportunities For The UK
Computing can affect the future of this planet, says the Cambridge professor of computing, Andy Hopper. And there are opportunities for the UK here - if we can handle our fear of change
New Wireless LAN Product Hits “Underserved” SME Market
With maybe ten competitors U4EA isn't alone - but it maintains it's the cheapest WLAN in town
Cisco Wireless Launch Includes WebEx On the iPhone
Collaboration and UC on all devices - and a new wireless switch, as well
HP’s Results Lifted By EDS
HP officials say the company will continue to trim expenses and plans to cut another 2 percent of its work force over the next 12 months
Dell Launches Low Power Via Server
With Via processors, Dell official say that the XS11-VX8 server will consume only 15 watts for power when the operating system is running idle
Mozilla Prism Makes Web Apps Behave Like Desktop Apps
Business and netbook users of web apps will find Prism a particular time saver and it helps web app developers with desktop integration.
Thin Client Maker Launches £128 Device
Several government departments are backing thin client technology including the Met Office and the Department for Work and Pensions
Vodafone To Cut More Costs Amid Downturn
The company announced pre-tax profits down by over 50 percent due to the poor performance of some its European operations
Study Points To Environmental Impact of Data Universe
Researcher IDC and storage infrastructure provider EMC claim there is a cost to storing everything, and that's in people, power and cooling
Infrastructure Tool Manages Data Centre Power
Planning needs a link to real time data, says Avocent
Secure Your Network from Kaminsky’s DNS Cache Poisoning Flaw
Multiple defenses offer the best protection against insidious security threats. Sandy Wilbourn explains what the Kaminsky DNS cache poisoning flaw is and how to safeguard your company's network.