Google's Account Activity feature provides users with a password-protected record of their online transactions
News Cloud
Zetta Adds SMB Cloud Data Protection To Backup Service
Zetta has upgraded its DataProtect cloud service to give SMBs a backup solution with no appliance
BT Selects Lucky Oxfordshire Village For All-Fibre-Network
An Oxfordshire village has become the envy of rural Britain after being selected for a all-fibre network
Neul And Carlson Target Rural Broadband With White Space Launch
Neul and Carlson have launched the first commercial radio system that uses the 'white space' within the TV broadcast spectrum
Xirrus: Art of Wi-Fi at Saatchi Gallery
Prize-winning team effort by Max, Eric, Steve and Brian. Video by Xirrus.
Red Hat Becomes First Billion Dollar Open Source Firm
Red Hat's open source success is down to the cloud and large contracts
Osborne Opens Google’s Tech City Campus
Google's start up haven in London's Tech City has been launched by Chancellor Osborne
Execs Use Public Cloud To Flout IT Policy
Execs want the cloud to get round the IT department - even though they know it's wrong
It’s All Go For Google’s Programming Language Release
Google has introduced version 1.0 of its Go programming language, after nearly two years of development and testing
Avaya Cloud Brings UC And Video Collaboration For All
The Collaborative Cloud framework makes it easier for businesses to access unified communications technology
Cisco Boosts Network Management Portfolio With ClearAccess Acquisition
ClearAccess’ technology will enable Cisco to offer service providers better management of increasing Internet traffic
Former BT Exec Warns Fibre Cabinets At Risk Of Battery Theft
Fibre to the cabinet is "one of the biggest mistakes humanity has made" former BT exec tells the House of Lords
Oracle: Cabinet Office Deal to Save Taxpayers £75m
Oracle aims to break government silos in reduced data contract with Cabinet Office
HP And Oracle Demand Pre-Trial Rulings In Itanium Case
HP and Oracle are both asking a US court for pre-trial rulings in the lawsuit around Oracle's decision to stop supporting the Itanium hardware architecture
Acquia Offers Drupal-Tuned Cloud API
The Acquia Cloud is a platform-as-a-service offiering that already hosts hundreds of Drupal websites, with about 1 billion page views per month
Silicon Graphics Sues Apple, RIM, Sony
Former Silicon Valley pioneer Silicon Graphics has sued a number of IT giants over alleged infringement of its display technology
Google Boasts Of ‘Real World’ PUE Data Centre Rating
Google has boasted of lowering its PUE rating for its data centres, making them even more energy efficient
News Corporation ‘Hacked’ Sky Rival’s Smart Cards
The latest NewsCorp scandal finally involves some real hacking
McAfee Offers Free MySQL Security Tool
McAfee's open source security audit plug-in for MySQL s aimed at cloud deployments and businesses
SAS Introduces Graphical Analytics Tool
SAS Visual Analytics applies analytics to massive amounts of data and allows it to be shared via the web or iPad
Gartner: Regions Take Varied Paths To Cloud Adoption
North American users lead on hosting and cloud IaaS client adoption, while the rest of the world is dominated by data centre outsourcing, according to Gartner
Government Names PSN Scheme Suppliers
The Cabinet Office has named twelve network companies providing the Public Sector Network
Data Centre Virtualisation Held Back For Want Of Security Skills
The race to cut costs and streamline data centres is leaving security issues behind as the challenges outstrip the native skills of the implementers, says Eric Doyle
Intel Extends Semiconductor Lead Over Samsung
Intel has extended its lead over Samsung in the semiconductor market according to the latest IHS figures
4G Auction Faces Legal Delay As Three Upgrades Network
3UK is about to upgrade its network capacity to buy time for legal action over the 4G spectrum auction, say reports
BT Fights Copper Thieves With RABIT
Telecoms giant BT introduces a new alarm system to fight metal theft and keep its network running
Sony To Release Chromebook?
Google's ailing Chromebook concept could have Sony's support, if an FCC filing reveals
Microsoft Raids Hit Zeus Botnets
Operation b71 has brought down two major Zeus botnets but Microsoft warns that the Trojan is not dead
Brocade: Expect A Chassis Fabric Switch
Brocade is likely to produce a chassis-based fabric switch, Marcus Jewell tells TechWeekEurope
Facebook Condemns Employers Asking For Job Seekers’ Passwords
Facebook is officially pushing back against employers who want job applicants to disclose their Facebook passwords