An Intel executive has outlined the chip giant's intentions in the server and data centre space at IDF Beijing
News Cloud
RBS Facing Investigation Over Epic 2012 IT Fail
Financial Conduct Authority is ready to probe RBS and could levy a fine
HP Moonshot – One Small Step For Micro Servers
HP's Moonshot modules impress Peter Judge - but don't call them software-defined servers
Accenture Invests In Cloud Platform
Accenture's new platform aims to help organisations evolve in a cloud-centric world
HP Ships ‘Moonshot’ Servers For Big Data, Cloud
HP's ultra-low-power, hyperscale servers are designed to introduce a new and more sustainable architecture for the data centre
Ericsson Buying Microsoft’s IPTV Business
Mediaroom will empower Ericsson in the video distribution market, while Microsoft chooses to focus on Xbox
Sky Email Avalanche Angers Customers
Some Sky customers have been receiving thousands of old messages after the company switched email providers
Amazon Security Service Gets Faint Praise From Resellers
Amazon Web Services gets a hardware security module, but resellers say there is still more to do
IBM Presents Security Strategies For Power Sector
As security threats multiply for critical infrastructure such as the power grid, IBM has presented security best-practices for the energy and utilities sector
Rackspace: This Time, The Patent Troll Should Pay Us
Rakspace wants trolls at IP Nav to get a taste of their own medicine
HP’s Ray Lane Steps Down Amid Board Resignations
Ray Lane has stepped down as chairman of the board as part of the ongoing executive reshuffle at Hewlett-Packard
Compuware Offers Free Mobile APM Service
Compuware unveils a free version of its mobile service to help organisations monitor mobile application usage
Cumbria Broadband Delayed Again By European Red Tape
The superfast broadband rollout in Cumbria is facing yet more delays, blamed on red tape from Brussels
Yahoo Builds Dropbox Into Email
Now attachments can be saved directly into a Dropbox account
Michael Dell Outlines Grand Plan In Staff Memo
Michael Dell has outlined his grand vision and strategic plans for a privatised Dell in an internal memo to staff
ARM And TSMC Complete Cortex-A57 ‘Tape Out’
ARM and TSMC have taped out the Cortex-A57 mobile chip...i.e. made it ready for mass fabrication
Nebula Launches Branded ‘Cloud Computer’
Nebula launches a branded “cloud computer” that connects to OpenStack and Amazon clouds
Amazon Goes After Dropbox With File Sync
Yet another big-time player looks to trounce hugely successful minnows
TechWeek Roundtable Event For ‘Weightless’ M2M Experts: Part II
Second part in TechWeekEurope’s video series looks at bandwidth and data transfer architecture of the Weightless communication standard
Hadoop From MapR Heads To Ubuntu
Two open source giants collaborate on Big Data tools
Dell SEC Filing Outlines Revamp Strategy
Dell officials have laid out their plans for reinventing the company in a private buyout, arguing that Michael Dell should remain as chief executive
IT Spending To Hit $3.8 Trillion This Year
Gartner has predicted that worldwide IT spending will remain roughly flat over the next several years, with telecoms services the largest market
US Concerns Over Huawei, ZTE Complicate Sprint Merger
A $20.1bn deal between the US' Sprint and Japan's Softbank is facing complications due to the US government's mistrust of Chinese telecoms equipment makers Huawei and ZTE
Government Urged Not To Forget Offline Citizens In Digital By Default Push
National Audit Office says government has to remember 18 percent still not online
Tech Success Awards: When The Cloud Is Right
By moving Orbian's IT into Adapt’s Virtual Data Centre, Andrew Notman and his team saved money and won our Cloud Project Of The Year award
TechWeek Roundtable Event For ‘Weightless’ M2M Experts: Part I
First part in TechWeekEurope’s video series looks at how Weightless works, and what makes it perfect for M2M applications
Oracle Launches Faster SPARC Chips Amidst Decline In Sales
Oracle claims its new SPARC T5 and M5 processors are the fastest in the world
PayPal Sidelines VMware For OpenStack
PayPal puts OpenStack virtualisation platform to virtualise 10,000 servers. Will the rest of eBay follow?
Cisco Buys SolveDirect For Cloud Infrastructure Expertise
Cisco's acquisition of Austrian firm SolveDirect is designed to help build the company's enterprise IT portfolio, and also follows a pattern of buying companies outside the US
Border Agency Data Failures Could Let Crooks Into UK
Agency failing to make adequate checks on criminal suspect databases, MPs claim