Cloud Management

40 Percent Of UK Businesses Lack Green IT Policies

Organisations are put off by the time and effort needed for Green IT measures, a survey finds

13 years ago

Consumer Tech Poses Risk To Core IT Systems

The increasing use of consumer tech within business is placing unrealistic demands on IT personnel

13 years ago

Why Gates’ Return As CEO Would Be A Bad Move

Bill Gates may be considering a return to Microsoft - there are many reasons he shouldn't, says Nicholas Kolakowski

13 years ago

Samsung Fails To Block Sale Of iPhone 4S In France

French court calls Samsung's injunction request against the iPhone 4S "out of proportion"

13 years ago

Samsung Wins Tablet Tiff In Oz, But US Fight Goes On

Australian High Court rejects Apple's appeal to extend Galaxy Tab ban, but US no-ban decision is appealed

13 years ago

Microsoft App Store Challenges Apple And Google

Microsoft's newly unveiled online shop in Windows 8 will challenge established stores as the market leader, says Nicholas Kolakowski

13 years ago

Cloud Computing Remains Top Investment Priority

Many businesses regard cloud computing as their top investment priority heading into the new year

13 years ago

SuccessFactors Buys Jobs2web As SAP Waits

SuccessFactors, under offer from SAP, bolsters its talent-management software with Jobs2web purchase

13 years ago

Cisco’s Share In Ethernet Switch Market Jumps

After a difficult restructuring, Cisco's share of the Ethernet switching space grew by almost three percent: IDC

13 years ago

German Retailers Told To Stop Selling HTC Products

IPCom has written to German retailers, telling them to stop selling HTC 3G products or face legal action

13 years ago

Latest MapR Hadoop Adds Win And Mac Support

The v1.2 release puts Hadoop analytics in the hands of more users, with extra languages and platforms

13 years ago

RIM Forced To Rename BBX By US Court

A US Federal Court has granted an injunction preventing RIM from using the BBX trademark

13 years ago

Red Gate Announces Space Flight Finalists

One lucky DBA could be one of the first to experience sub orbital flight

13 years ago

Cyber Monday Sees Sales Of £19m An Hour

Brits are increasingly favouring online shopping in the run up to Christmas, as evidenced in the latest figures

13 years ago

RIM And Microsoft Bets Will Bring Radical Change

Radical bets on mobile strategy by Research In Motion and Microsoft could alter the 2012 smartphone scene, says Nicholas Kolakowski

13 years ago

British Businesses Lag US In Cyber-Worrying

Lloyds of London finds that UK firms should be more concerned about the cyber-crime threat

13 years ago

Kaspersky Quits BSA Over US SOPA Support

Kaspersky says Stop Online Piracy Act is against the public interest and quits BSA to emphasise its point

13 years ago

HP Responds To Oracle Claim Of Itanium Deception

HP and Oracle have accused each other of lying about the future of Intel's Itanium chip

13 years ago

IDC: New World Order As Players Vie For Dominance

IDC predicts that mobile, cloud, social networking, and big data analytics will lead the way in 2012

13 years ago

Apple’s Samsung Ban Bid Rejected By US Court

A US District Court has refused to grant a preliminary injunction against Samsung's smartphone and tablets

13 years ago

IT Project Failure A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

The biggest cause of failed IT projects could be the expectation of failure, says Thomas Coles of MSM Software

13 years ago

Adobe Buys Efficient Frontier For Digital Marketing

Adobe Systems' focus on digital marketing and advertising space leads to Efficient Frontier acquisition

13 years ago

Whitman Wants To Keep HP Drama Out Of The Headlines

HP Discover: Meg Whitman says HP must work together and focus on its core business

13 years ago

Andreessen Headed To Yahoo Boardroom: Rumour

Marc Andreessen has been seen visiting Yahoo and speculation now tips him as the next chairman

13 years ago

RIM Enters MDM Market With BlackBerry Mobile Fusion

RIM's management software will handle Androids and apple iPhones, as well as BlackBerrys

13 years ago

Stop Giving Users Admin Rights!

Users can cause a lot of damage when given admin rights. It is time to stop the rot, says Paul…

13 years ago

Everything Everywhere Agrees Refinancing Deal

Everything Everywhere has agreed new banking facilities to refinance debts owed to its parent companies

13 years ago

Yahoo Sale May Finally Happen, Say Reports

Microsoft has signed an NDA agreement which suggests it may be after Yahoo again

13 years ago

IM Archiving Appliance Released By ArcMail

ArcMail for Instant Messaging is designed to bring compliance and data discovery to IM platforms

13 years ago

HP Seeks EU Help In Oracle/Itanium Support Case

European regulators have been asked to investigate Oracle's decision to end Itanium support

13 years ago