Managing servers and troubleshooting duties are the top two time consuming duties for IT departments
A Mozy survey has found that significant number of SMBs don't implement safe backup strategies, despite the risks
Capita confirms 400 jobs within its IT division are under threat, with some jobs moving to India
Frequency used for digital television could be used to increase mobile capacity
AWS gives researchers instant access to the complete 200TB database from the 1000 Genomes Project
The moves include the ditching of consumer market forays and the resignation of ex-CEO Jim Balsillie from the board
Investigation by FLA prompts Apple and Foxconn to introduce better working hours and wages
After completing its 100Mbps rollout, Virgin introduces some new packages.
Collaboration software maker Atlassian ships Bamboo 4 continuous integration server for developers
Google's Account Activity feature provides users with a password-protected record of their online transactions
Zetta has upgraded its DataProtect cloud service to give SMBs a backup solution with no appliance
An Oxfordshire village has become the envy of rural Britain after being selected for a all-fibre network
Red Hat's open source success is down to the cloud and large contracts
Google's start up haven in London's Tech City has been launched by Chancellor Osborne
Execs want the cloud to get round the IT department - even though they know it's wrong
Google has introduced version 1.0 of its Go programming language, after nearly two years of development and testing
The Collaborative Cloud framework makes it easier for businesses to access unified communications technology
ClearAccess’ technology will enable Cisco to offer service providers better management of increasing Internet traffic
Fibre to the cabinet is "one of the biggest mistakes humanity has made" former BT exec tells the House of…
Oracle aims to break government silos in reduced data contract with Cabinet Office
HP and Oracle are both asking a US court for pre-trial rulings in the lawsuit around Oracle's decision to stop…
The Acquia Cloud is a platform-as-a-service offiering that already hosts hundreds of Drupal websites, with about 1 billion page views…
Former Silicon Valley pioneer Silicon Graphics has sued a number of IT giants over alleged infringement of its display technology
Google has boasted of lowering its PUE rating for its data centres, making them even more energy efficient
The latest NewsCorp scandal finally involves some real hacking
McAfee's open source security audit plug-in for MySQL s aimed at cloud deployments and businesses
SAS Visual Analytics applies analytics to massive amounts of data and allows it to be shared via the web or…
North American users lead on hosting and cloud IaaS client adoption, while the rest of the world is dominated by…
The Cabinet Office has named twelve network companies providing the Public Sector Network