Huawei Offers £650m In Funding And Support For Developers

Huawei offers resources and other support in bid to create new applications for networks, cloud and analytics

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Huawei is to offer $1bn (£650m) worth of funding, support and technology to its developer community in a bid to create new applications for all areas of IT, including cloud, big data, software defined networking (SDN), mobile broadband and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Chinese manufacturer will offer training, marketing and development financial support, a certification programme as well as a new platform called eSDK. This platform, the firm claims, will increase development speed and efficiency.

Huawei developers

Huawei Developers 1In addition to the support, Huawei says it wants to build business relationships with its developer partners so these creations can be commercialised.

“Huawei has focused on ICT infrastructure, opened up its innovative and leading ICT solutions to developers, and built an open environment and enablement platform for the carrier and enterprise markets,” Ryan Ding, the company’s executive director and president of product solutions told the Huawei Developers Congress (HDC) in Shenzhen, China.

“The aim is to help developers create innovative services and rapidly respond to customers’ business needs. Over the next five years, Huawei will invest US$1 billion to implement its Developer Enablement Plan, build a developer enablement platform, and jointly innovate with developers.”

Huawei has its fingers in many pies, most notably ultra broadband, 5G and Internet of Things technologies. In July it launched an ‘Open IT ecosystem’ for the finance industry, while it has also secured a number of cloud partnerships.

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