Tech Quiz: The Week In Review (28 April)

Another week filled with tech news, but have you been paying attention?

1 min

As another week at Silicon towers comes to a close, it’s time for us to take a look back and quiz you, our lovely readers, about how much you’ve been paying attention over the last five days.

This week we’ve had the usual spate of cyber security stories, as well as new hardware releases, financial reports and the seventh annual Girls In ICT Day to tie us over.


And there’s plenty more to sink your eyes into across the pages of Silicon. Once you’ve recapped, or if you’re already set to go, then give our week in review tech quiz a try and see if your powers of recall are still sharp ahead of another long weekend.

If you want a further challenge, why not give on of our weekly thematic quizzes a go. This week it’s all about women in tech, looking at the contributions of women to the world of technology and the most important female figures in the sector.

Take our week in review quiz!

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