Consistently attracting a high level audience the Forum has an established heritage as the annual marketplace for publicly quoted companies in the datacentre and cloud space – now estimated to have a stock value of around USD50 billion, private datacentre businesses, private equity firms, investment funds, banks, property specialists, legal counsel and management consultancies, the forum offers unique advantages:
- Exposure to key investors and funds (providing often difficult or rare opportunities for many companies across the sector)
- Exposure to key influencers (such as the key players to support fund raising or an IPO)
- High level analysis of the market for datacentre and cloud assets with company valuations and investor experience
- Unparalleled networking among the representatives attending.
The London Forum continues to innovate and deliver unique features that enhance market insight and generate networking activity which in 2014 will include:
- Investor and Asset disposal pitches
- Executive 1-1 meetings
- IR meetings with key investment analysts