eCrime - The Threat Landscape

This event requires registration:

Cyber crime is now estimated to cost UK businesses £21bn annually.

The frequency, targeting and potentially high impact of cyber-criminal activity presents a serious challenge to enterprises already weathering turbulent economic conditions, tighter regulatory requirements and seismic changes in IT infrastructure development and services delivery. But as Business and industry reliance on ICT becomes critical, the nature of the challenges is further diversifying to include ‘hactivism’ and attacks against real-time automated and control systems.

A Security Director from the Retail industry will discuss the strategies and tactics that have prevented a substantial figure of attempted fraud against his company in the past 12 months.
This workshop will allow participants to better understand the extent and impact of current threats to specific markets, channels, systems and applications and the mitigation and prevention strategies currently employed.
Who should attend:
Security professionals, CISOs, Security & Risk Manager, eCrime & Fraud Managers.

War Stories (Chatham House): attacks, near misses, successes – tangible outcomes
– data, financial and reputational losses
– policy failures, ‘scams’ and social engineering
– IP theft and cyber ‘terrorism’
– emerging threat
Evaluating the current risk landscape
– threat / alert communication
– a reality check on probability, targeting and impact
Raising business awareness, building the right culture
– Forensics and incident handling
– Investment and measuring success
– Input to / working with Government agencies