Cyber Security, CNI and the Citizen 2013


Cyber Security, CNI and the Citizen 2013 is a one-day conference and exhibition for senior decision-makers of central and local government organisations, NGOs and major private sector enterprises.  It takes place on 21 March at the Brittania Hotel, Canary Wharf, London.

In a single day, it provides an essential briefing to over 400 directors and senior managers, with a focus on delivering:

  • An up-to-the-minute picture of cyber and national security.
  • A reliable vision of the future.
  • The latest threats and how to address them.
  • The emerging opportunities and how to capitalise on them.

This conference will give you the opportunity to draw the latest intelligence from over 30 invaluable seminar, panel and breakout sessions featuring the leading names in the field.

To register for a free place (worth £250) go to but hurry as free places are limited.

To see the whole programme of conferences and seminars go