5 ways to boost your business’ performance with enhanced security and smart connectivity

Wednesday 29 September 2021
from 10:00 to 11:30

Organisations across all sectors globally are experiencing a time of great change and uncertainty. Amid the disruption, they have made the user experience (UX) a strategic priority, with the aim to increase both clients and employees’ satisfaction and retention. The use of data intelligence, connectivity and security are key to make businesses competitive, efficient and resilient.

In this webinar, together with experts from Juniper, a leader in the networking revolution, we will discuss the most important steps your business can take to improve user experience with enhanced connectivity and security. Juniper will tell us how they are making networks more predictable, reliable and measurable with their solutions and cloud services driven by Mist AI.

The webinar will include a demo of their unique solution to deliver the industry’s best access layer experience for wired and wireless networks. The session will end with a Q&A where participants can ask Juniper experts all the pressing questions they may have about their business problems, smart connectivity and Juniper solutions and services.

Register now from this link or using the registration form included below



  • Philip Keeley Senior Systems engineer, Juniper
  • David HowellIT & Security journalist, NetMedia