Prize Quiz Of The Week: Privacy

Try our Prize Quiz on privacy, and you could win a VPN subscription to protect your identity online

2 min
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Everyone is keen to maintain their privacy online, but how do you do that? Our quiz has some answers, and also comes with a prize that attacks the problem: A VPN subscription.

Personal data is vital: you can’t do any business online wihout sharing it. But that data has to be kept private from anyone who shouldn’t see it – and there are plenty of people wanting, one way or another, to misuse your credentials, your preferences, and your private communications.

Peeping through the hole in the wall. © auremar - Fotolia

Who is watching you?

Criminals obviously want to steal your data for financial gain. Others might want to know what you are working on, or have access to your company.

Corporations have been known to abuse privacy, right up to the giants – just consider the ongoing anger caused when Google Streetview cars collected Wi-Fi data, and when Facebook changed privacy settings without permission.

But the most topical fear is that governments are snooping on us, and tracking our online behaviour, ostensibly for our own security. The epic scale of surveillance by the US National Security Agency (NSA) was revealed last year by leaks from Edward Snowden, and since then users have looked for ways to restore their privacy.

Our quiz looks at some of the key points on privacy that have emerged recently. And we have prizes to give away: a year’s subscription to the IVPN private VPN service, worth £60, which effectively makes the user anonymous online.

“All online activity is tied to IVPN’s own network addresses, so you can communicate without the fear of being spied on,” IVPN has told us. “No data is logged that could potentially compromise your online anonymity. You can be confident that there won’t be any restrictions on the service, as unlimited bandwidth is offered. IVPN are organisational members of the EFF and utilise exclusive multihop technology.”

Details of the product are here.

For a chance to win, you just have to subscribe to our Security newsletter, and try the quiz. You don’t have to get it all right, as winners will be selected at random.

Try our privacy quiz!

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