Cross Channel: Brexit Causes Worry And Merged Channels With BT And EE

All the latest news from the world of the channel, including Brexit prompting a drop in tenders

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Welcome to Cross Channela weekly round up of the most pertinent stories from our sister site ChannelBiz, where you can find out all the latest developments, views and strategies from the world of the channel.

Brexit Causes Drop in Public Sector Tenders

EU Brexit referedumUncertainty around Brexit has caused a slowdown in the number of public sector tenders to the technology sector, according to network provider, hSo.

“We saw important infrastructure projects such as Hinkley Point temporarily put on hold straight after the referendum, but we remain optimistic that the news flow around these large scale national infrastructure projects will not impact the government’s tendering process into the New Year,” said hSo managing director, Chris Evans.

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A10 Networks Reveals Reduced UK Channel

A10 Networks has revealed it has whittled its UK channel down to a handful of “focused” partners and a single distributor.

A10’s Northern European channel manager Lee Mepsted, said he has spent the past 12 months overhauling the vendor’s channel with a view to “building proper partnerships”. The vendor now has six top partners – including the likes of Alternative Networks, Ampito and Network Utilities – and 10 additional firms that are managed by its sole UK distie, Cloud Distribution.

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BT and EE’s Indirect Channels Merged To Create New Organisation

BT has announced it has now absorbed EE’s indirect channel businesses into its own, to create a new 100-strong organisation.

The BT Business Partner Channel will sell BT’s Business and Public Sector portfolio including fibre broadband, voice telephony, mobile packages and devices and IT services via a network of more than 40 direct channel partners.

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OCF Gets Intense With Data Analytics

High-performance computing (HPC) and storage integrator, OCF, is turning its attention to data analytics after taking a majority share in specialist consultancy Intense Computing Ltd.

Intense Computing will become a subsidiary company of OCF Plc and will be renamed OCF DATA Limited. Speaking to ChannelBiz, OCF managing director Julian Fielden (pictured) said the acquisition will “give the data business more focus and provide it with specialised leadership and a clear vision as to how we approach the market.”

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