February 2022

The Mobile Metaverse

The Mobile Multiverse

Is the ultimate future of the Metaverse on mobile devices? And have strong business cases for developing some form of ‘Metaverse for business’ with available technologies come into focus yet?

Brand Voice

Benefits and Applications of a Collaborative Robot

Are collaborative robots taking over human space? It appears as if robots are coming for human jobs. But the truth is a collaborative robot work alongside humans in factories and other manufacturing operations. Robots can work with hum ...

Tourism & the IT Sector

IT is present in just about any industry, and the people who work in these jobs adapt their knowledge to the respective field. In the medical sector, IT specialists create systems that handle patient data, technology that helps with di ...

Julie Dawson, Director of Policy and Regulation at digital identity provider Yoti.

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: Digital Identity

Mobile devices are so central to our personal and business lives, are the issues around digital identity about to be resolved with new legislation? Is the ease with which some forms of identity can be faked, copied or stolen, moved us ...

Steve Harrington, Managing Director, EMEA, Aryaka.

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: Network Transformation

What the pandemic showed many businesses was that their networks were lacking in some fundamental areas such as security and the ability to offer efficient connections at scale. How has the pandemic fundamentally changed how enterprise ...

Hybrid Work. Hybrid Business

Hybrid Work. Hybrid Business

Hybrid work will become the norm as businesses look towards their post-pandemic futures. With these radical shifts in workforce organisation and business processes, how can your company transform into a business fit to thrive post-COVI ...