YouTube reviews its decision to ban Donald Trump from uploading to the plaform, and opts to keep its indefinite suspension in place

YouTube reviews its decision to ban Donald Trump from uploading to the plaform, and opts to keep its indefinite suspension in place
Look ma, no cookies. Google says it has made progress in effort to remove third-party cookies from its Chrome web browser
Curated news service for UK Facebook users launches, after deals signed with the Telegraph, Daily Mail, Guardian, Sky News etc
Record-breaking launch as single SpaceX Falcon rocket carries 143 satellites into orbit for Starlink and a number of other companies
Rumours that Apple is actively developing AR technology that would deliver a usable and wearable AR could herald a new age of information access and delivery. In this feature, Silicon UK assesses the current AR technologies and asks whether AR is the next communications channel your business should pay attention to.
After researcher deactivates an implanted defibrillator with a MagSafe iPhone 12, Apple tells customers to keep iPhones away from Pacemakers
'Birdwatch' pilot to give users the power to flag misleading tweets, and write background notes about reason for reporting
Security bugs in SD-WAN offerings could allow attackers to run malicious code with root privileges or execute malicious CLI commands
Information Commissioner's Office puts adtech companies on notice as it relaunches investigation into widespread non-compliance with privacy rules
Incoming US administration set to place experienced cyber-security officials in key posts, as country grapples with massive SolarWinds hack
European Parliament invites chief executives of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google to appear before virtual session as major regulatory overhaul looms
Hackers have released confidential business and staff data stolen in a Christmas Eve ransomware attack on Sepa after the agency refused to pay
Tech giant deflates high altitude balloon-based project that sought to deliver high speed connectivity to developing nations
Hot potato. Mark Zuckerberg refers his decision to indefinitely suspend Donald Trump over to its independent oversight board
Nuclear option. Google executive warns it will withdraw search engine from Australia due to 'unworkable' publisher payments law
A small number of laptops handed out by the Department for Education to vulnerable children, reportedly contain malware linked to Russian servers
After Donald Trump's ban from many social networking platforms, British MPs grill executives on their respective hate content policies
China continues to pose espionage and cyber threat to US telecommunications networks, says FCC chairman as he steps down after three years in charge
Lawsuit by US states filed in Texas, alleging Google collusion with Facebook, should be heard in California instead says Google
European Commission seeks information from advertisers, as it opens second EU antitrust probe of Google and its practices
First public appearance in nearly three months for Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma, after criticism of Chinese regulatory system
Google reportedly begins investigation and locks the corporate account of member of its ethical AI team, after sensitive data transfer
No more electric car range anxiety? Israeli firm StoreDot touts car electric battery that can be charged in just five minutes
Engineer who stole self-driving car secrets from Google's Waymo division, receives pardon from outgoing US President Donald Trump
Software giant confirms it is part of a $2 billion investment in GM's Cruise self-driving unit, which will utilise Azure going forward
Controversial law in Turkey governing social media firms, sees Ankara imposing advertising bans on Twitter, Periscope and Pinterest
Amid criticism of big tech 'censorship' of free speech, Tim Cook defends decision to suspend far right Parler app from App Store
Supply chain squeeze. Worldwide shortage of CPUs is slowing the manufacturing of new cars from a number of the world's largest car makers
Major clash down under is looming, after Australia rejects US request to halt new law to force Google, Facebook to pay for news