October 2012

Apple’s Black iPad Mini Sells Out

Apple has apparently sold out of the black version of its recently introduced iPad Mini, raising further questions as to whether the company will be able to keep up with demand

Cyber Intelligence Asia 2013

Join us at our inaugural Cyber Intelligence Asia event to hear in-depth and knowledgeable presentations from the public and private sector on cyber security issues and trends from their perspective countries.

Spotlight on Tech in the City

Spotlight Financial Marketing, a full–service marketing communications firm focused exclusively on the financial services and technology sector, both across the UK and US, will bring together the best of financial services and tech ...

Mobile Recruitment Conference

The brand new Mobile Recruitment Conference takes place in London on the 23rd October 2012 featuring the latest case studies and information from leading practitioners and companies.

The IT Directors’ Forum

The IT Directors’ Forum - Autumn is a senior level event specifically designed to address the increasing needs and demands of senior IT decision-makers.

Crowdcamp Unconference #TMUCrowd

With the rise of the Internet and the advent of Web 2.0 technologies, social media and advanced telecommunications, crowdsourcing is all the rage these days and it’s easy to see its advantages. By outsourcing responsibilities and du ...

Digital Innovators’ Summit 2013

The annual Digital Innovators' Summit is the only international conference to focus exclusively on new strategies and approaches to developing profitable digital businesses for magazine publishers. Co-hosted by the International Fed ...