Katalyst is a self-service analytics tool which businesses can tap into on a subscription basis
AMD Still Resisting ARM Architecture Commitment
At a recent event, AMD CEO Rory Read still would not commit to using ARM chip designs, but options are still open
RIM Revenues Decrease As Co-CEOs’ Pay Cut To $1
RIM’s co-CEOs insist BlackBerry will bounce back after disappointing Q3 Results
Healthy EU And US Data Protection For Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft says its Office 365 cloud platform now conforms to European Union and HIPAA privacy regulations
Google Wallet Security Risk Flagged By Researchers
Google Wallet poses a possible security risk after researchers found a problem with its encryption process
Apple Retina Display Heading To MacBook Pros
Apple is reportedly extending its iPhone Retina Display across to its next generation of MacBook Pros
Spam Takes Back Seat As Targeted Attacks Rise
Criminals are not replacing botnets but are instead turning to more targeted attacks, researchers warn
EIA Calls For Elimination Of Harmful Air Con Gas
The EIA has called for the “global elimination” of HFCs, commonly used in data centre cooling systems
Ofsted Report Says ICT Teaching Is Failing Pupils
ICT education is particu8larly bad in secondary schools, according to an Ofsted report
Logica To Axe 1,300 Jobs Due To European Crisis
Logica announces it will axe 1,300 positions, including 450 in the UK and Sweden
Facebook Launches Timeline-based Profile Redesign
Users can try out the Timeline of their Facebook life before its official release next week
Carrier IQ – Part Of The Solution, Not Part Of The Problem
Carriers have been slammed for monitoring on device usage,. J Gerry Purdy says this is necessary to give users a better experience
Google Boosts Storage For App Engine
Google gives developershigh-availability storage option and HRD Migration tool in latest update
Jury Deciding Verdict In Microsoft-Novell WordPerfect Lawsuit
Microsoft and Novell await jury’s verdict in their long-running court case
Microsoft Releases SkyDrive App For iPhone
Microsoft has put its rivalry with Apple aside to release a SkyDrive App for iOS
Government Pushes Ahead With Rural Mobile Plans
The government has issued an official notice to suppliers on its plans to tackle rural mobile black-spots
iOS Attracts 3 Times As Many Development Projects As Android
iOS attracts developers' attention despite Android's larger market share
Welcome To TechWeekEurope
IT professionals have a new information source - but it is one where they will already feel at home
Google Chrome Updates To Allow Multiple User Account Syncing
Google Chrome Version 16 exits beta, offering bug fixes and multiple user syncing.
Google Takes Street View To Post-Tsunami Japan
Google adds 'before and after' images of areas of Japan affected by March's earthquake and tsunami
Intel Restructures For The Ultra-Mobile Age
Intel is ramping up its efforts to move into tablets and smartphones with a mobile and communications unit
Atos Orgin To Abandon Internal Email
A giant French firm has said it will ban the use of email systems for internal messages within two years
ICO Warns Of Location Privacy Issues
The ICO used a speech this week to warn that attention must be paid to individual's location privacy
EU Settles IBM Mainframe Antitrust Concerns
European regulators have accepted IBM’s mainframe maintenance move after antitrust concerns
Skype Improves Android App With Photos, Video Sharing
Skype has improved the experience for its Android users, including better battery life and video quality
Microsoft Patch Tuesday Fixes 17 Bugs
Microsoft has patched 17 bugs in its December Patch Tuesday update, including the Duqu Trojan flaw
O2 Lease Loans iPhone 4S To Small Businesses
O2 says new service will offer small businesses new technology without associated costs
The Cloud And The Client: Apple’s Green Dilemma
Apple could find itself attacked simultaneously for wasting energy at the client, and burning coal-fired power in its iCloud data centres, says Peter Judge
App Store Downloads Pass 100 Million For Apple
Apple's App Store passed more than 100 million downloads this year and Christmas is yet to come
Malicious SMS Messages, Facebook Chats Hit Windows Phone
When setting up a Windows Phone, a hacker discovered a specially crafted disabling text message