Only 6 percent of broadband users think speed is the top priority, with most people preferring value for money
Computer Aid Solar Cyber Café Goes Live In Kenya
Computer Aid has today officially launched its first solar powered Internet café in Kenya enabling rural communities with no electricity to get online
Public Services Start To Embrace Social Media
Public services are beginning to find uses for Twitter and other social media formats to improve their image
Juniper Unveils Media Flow Publisher For Online Video
The Media Flow Publisher application allows content providers to simultaneously deliver high-quality video content to various end-user devices
Blade Launches 40G RackSwitch For Data Centres
New RackSwitch G8264 brings 40G capabilities to the data centre with advanced network management and virtualisation capabilities
Google Reports 32 Percent Profit Hike
Google reported a 32 percent third-quarter profit jump of $2.17 billion, with display and mobile ads providing the bang analysts have been expecting
Mark Zuckerberg Believes Google Lacks Innovation
Facebook's Zuckerberg believes Google is no longer leading innovation, which he why he chose to partner with Microsoft on social search, says Clint Boulton
eWEEK Readers Still Love The iPad
A third of you want iPads, and nearly a quarter don't want a tablet at all. Next up: What's the most important communication channel to your desk?
Why Oracle Won’t Buy EMC Anytime Soon
A merger between Oracle and EMC would not simply create a larger Oracle but a conglomeration of some of the most powerful IT companies on earth
Major Increase In Cyber Defence Spending Expected
Despite spending cuts across the board, the government is expected next week to invest £1 billion to foil cyber attacks
Informix Database Updated For Performance
IBM has updated its Informix database with particular emphasis on improving the overall performance
Microsoft Names US As Botnet Central
A Microsoft report has identified the United States as the main focus for computers infected with rogue botnets
Sophos Names US As Top Spam Relayer
A Sophos report has named the United States as the main culprit, relaying nearly a fifth of the world's spam
AMD Plans Cautious Approach To Tablet Market
AMD's CEO Dirk Meyer says that the company will not move into the tablet arena until the market matures
Nokia MeeGo 1.1 Debut Set For Dublin Show
Nokia and Intel are expected to demo the MeeGo 1.1 mobile OS, running on the Nokia N900, at the Meego Conference in November
PC Sales Slip As Tablet Impact Takes Hold, Analysts Report
Analyst groups are blaming the hype surrounding tablet PCs after worldwide computer shipments fell below Q3 estimates
Facebook, Bing Team Up Over Social Search
Microsoft has enhanced its partnership with Facebook so that the Bing search engine shows US users which sites and products their Facebook friends like
Opera Mobile For Android Nears Release
Opera has revealed that its Opera Mobile for Android is on the way, and that Opera 11 will support browser extensions
FSF Reveals Criteria For Hardware Endorsement
The Free Software Foundation has revealed an initial set of criteria under which it will endorse hardware with regard to the user's freedom
IP Expo: Take My Phone But Leave My Network Alone
Survey finds that most businesses would rather lose their phone service than their Internet Protocol (IP) connection
HP Joins Others In Signing Government MoU
HP has joined the likes of Oracle and Microsoft, plus big name IT services firms, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the government
10 Reasons Android Keeps Gaining Momentum
Google's Android OS is more attractive than ever. It's a hit with smartphone makers, and Google is working to keep the mobile operating system on a roll
Half Of UK Wi-Fi Networks Vulnerable To Hacking
Nearly half of private Wi-Fi networks do not have sufficient security on them to prevent hackers from stealing data, a study has found
Midsize Companies Are Becoming Hacker Targets
Despite an increase in cyber-attacks, midsize organisations are continuing to slash or freeze their security budgets
How Will Android Fare In The Enterprise?
Android smartphones will battle with BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and Apple iPhone for acceptance in the workplace, says Cameron Sturdevant
EMC Moves into Big Database World with Greenplum Appliance
EMC's answer to the Oracle Exadata and IBM Netezza servers is the Greenplum Data Computing Appliance
Energy Efficiency: Storage Steals A March
Everyone wants more efficient kit in their data centres, says Peter Judge. It looks like storage has got ahead of servers when it comes to energy measurement
VMware Automates Its Cloud IT Services
The provisioning process of vCloud Director gains workflow automation through VMware's Request Manager
NetWeaver Gains Improved Development Tools In SAP Update
SAP updates NetWeaver to enable in-memory computing, cloud computing and mobility features for developers
Low Power Bluetooth Chips Coming For Smartphones
CSR predicts new applications for the new low-energy Bluetooth standard, working alongside classic Bluetooth