Seventy percent of employees plan to steal secret information when leaving their job, according to security firm Imperva
Will High-Speed Malware Crash The Internet?
How do we avoid the collapse of the Internet under the strain of more malware attacks at higher speeds, asks Napatech's Dan Joe Barry
Exploit Code For Stuxnet’s Unpatched Target Goes Public
Exploit code for one of the zero-day vulnerabilities exploited by Stuxnet has been posted online
ICO Issues First Data Loss Fines
A county council and an employment agency are first to feel the wrath of the Information Commissioner
SAP To Pay Oracle $1.3bn For Copyright Infringement
Oracle wins the highest sum awarded in a US court for copyright infringement. SAP is now considering its next move
Acer Prepares Windows 7 And Android Tablets for 2011
Two Android tablets and one running Windows 7 are unveiled by Acer as it prepares to join the crowded tablet market
NATO, EU And US Plan Action Against Cyber-crime
European countries are to form their own Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to fight Internet threats
‘Woz’ Sees Original Apple-1 Auction Realise £133,250
At Christie's in London, one of Apple's first computers was bought by Italian businessman Marco Boglione for £133,250
Scottish Hacker Gets 18 Months Prison Sentence
The Scottish spammer who pleaded guilty last month to charges of distributing malware has been jailed
Smartphone Backlash? What Smartphone Backlash?
A phone for technophobes might be an interesting idea, but any suggestion that smartphones are declining is pure fantasy, says Peter Judge
‘Digital By Default’ Is Directgov’s Aim For Services
The Cabinet Office foresees delivering services digitally but concerns are being voiced for those without Internet skills
AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer Pro 9 For Roaming: Review
AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer Pro 9 carries out WiFi analysis on up to three channels, making it easy to spot problems from client roaming
Avanti Rural Broadband Satellite Beats Eutelsat
British-based Avanti will beat Eutelsat to the punch, launching a Ka-Band satellite for rural broadband this Friday
Virgin Plans Broadband Hotspot Network
Virgin Media is looking to provide public Wi-Fi in city centres, offering data transfer speeds of up to 5Mbps
The Internet Is Far From Broken
Scaremongering gets us nowhere. The Internet is big enough and ugly enough to look after itself, says Sophie Curtis
Report Finds ‘iPhone Envy’ Among RIM And Motorola Owners
Apple's iPhone continues to dominate the customer satisfaction stakes, and it is proving to be one of the most desirable as well
Google Rushes Out Patch For Gmail Security Flaw
Google has quickly fixed a vulnerability that could allow someone to send spam to Gmail users after they visited a particular website
LTE Network Ready For December Launch In US
A mobile operator is to shortly to begin offering American customers the chance to use its LTE network
‘Digital Vaccine’ Needed To Beat Botnets
A government-backed vaccination scheme is needed to tackle the huge number of infected PCs, say researchers
T-Mobile and Orange To Cut iPad Price to £200
T-Mobile and Orange plan to slash Apple iPad's price by half before Christmas, offering the device for £200
Microsoft May Get WordPerfect Patents From Novell
No official word, but it looks like Microsoft is getting out of a long-running lawsuit as a result of the sale of Novell
Twitter Bomb Joker Takes Battle To High Court
Paul Chambers' appeal against conviction goes to the High Court, while Britain's senior Judge warns Twitter could disrupt jury trials
Malware Infected Malware Challenges Antivirus Detection
Malware exists that infects other malware on a system making detection more complicated for antivirus software
Google’s Cloud Connect Challenges Microsoft Office
Microsoft faces competition from Google Cloud Connect's attempts to draw Office users into its collaboration cloud
Invincea Protects By Virtualising PDF Reader Environment
Invincea moves Adobe PDF files into a sacrificial virtual environment to prevent infection from Reader malware
Intel And AMD Target Integrated Chips On Embedded Market
During 2011, Intel Atom and AMD Fusion plan to release new x86-based processors for the embedded market
More Than A Million Web Sites Infected By Malware
The number of infected web sites doubled during the last quarter, according to Dasient's latest quarterly malware report
Facebook Dominates Google For Page Views
Facebook received one quarter of all page views in the US during a week, dwarfing the likes of YouTube and Google
Windows Celebrates 25 Years As A New Era Dawns
Windows is still going strong after 25 years but in a world obsessed with software services will it survive another 25 years?
Samsung Sells 600,000 Tablets In One Month
The credentials of Samsung's Galaxy Tab as being the main competitor to the Apple iPad were strengthen today on reports of its sales performance