Marvell Puts A PC In A Plug

Network silicon maker Marvell, packs the guts of a computer into a unit the size of a small power transformer, and coined the term "plug computing"

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IBM, HP Server Sales Hit By Recession

Quarterly server revenue has shrunk at IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Sun Microsystems, as the global economy slows down, according to IDC. The one positive area is blade servers

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Beware Of Software Bearing Gifts

If your applications aren't behaving the way you expect, the problem may not be where you think. Peter Judge found that familiar, trusted software may not be quite what it appears

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Communication barriers waste cash at SMBs

Communications barriers and latencies are costing cost small and medium businesses (SMBs) up to 40 percent of their productive time, averaging to more than £3000 per employee, according to a report.

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Cloud services ‘pose legal risks’

Outages are only part of the problem for services on the web, says a City Law firm, warning cloud customers may face lawsuits over performance and data protection

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NASA’s Carbon Observatory Crashes

NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory, intended to scan Earth's surface for elusive carbon dioxide "sinks" in its atmosphere crashed today, after a launch failure.

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Gmail Failure: Reality Bites for Cloud Computing

Update: Gmail is back, after a two-hour outage. The company has not yet said how many people were affected, but twitter traffic from round the world reveals a major outage. That's a pain for millions of ordinary users - but it could be a disaster for those planning to sell application services in the cloud.

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Microsoft takes money back from sacked workers

Microsoft is asking recently laid-off employees to return some of their severance pay that the company apparently overpaid, according to reports. As the recession bites, Microsoft and IBM are both facing layoffs and bad publicity.

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Experts Say Dump The NAC Word

Network access control is a useless marketing buzzword; users and vendors should just get on with security management, experts have said.

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