IBM Awarded For AIDS Work

IBM has won accolades for new mathematical prediction models to help determine the best drug combinations for any given HIV genetic variant

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XP Mode Could Make Windows 7 A Must-Have

Windows XP mode will be a major selling point for Windows 7- and it's the single feature that will make most companies jump at the chance to have Windows 7, says Don Reisinger.

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Microsoft Bing Goes Live Early

Microsoft hopes that Bing will allow it to claim more market share in the competitive search-engine arena, which is dominated by Google

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Global Chip Sales Down 25 Percent

The latest numbers from the Semiconductor Industry Association show that worldwide chip sales fell 25 percent from April 2008 to April 2009

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Google Android On 20 Handsets This Year

Although Android is open-source, manufacturers will be able to sign distribution deals with Google in order to pre-install their phones with more options such as Google Apps

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Obama Declares IT A Strategic Asset

In a speech today, U.S. President Barack Obama pledged to treat the country's digital infrastructure as a strategic asset and announced the creation of the position of cyber-security coordinator

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Early Review In For Palm Pre

Palm Pre, the smartphone that Palm hopes will revive its ailing fortunes and provide a viable smartphone competitor to Apple's iPhone and Research In Motion's BlackBerry, was reviewed by The Boy Genius Report

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