Software giant targets smaller UK businesses and rising unemployment, getting 500,000 back to work over the next three years
Microsoft IIS 7.5 Review
Not a massive upgrade, but there are some welcome administration improvements mainly from a better GUI
Netbooks? Oh Yes, They Are Enterprise Grade
Some say the netbook is too underpowered for business use. Jim Rapoza likes them so much he's never going to travel with a full laptop again
Jobs Makes Big Comeback Fronting Apple iPod Tweaks
Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs, with a new liver, made his first public appearance in almost a year, to announce iPod updates
CBI Calls For Government Support On Low-Carbon Innovation
British innovation needs better support and incentives to take on low-carbon technologies, says business group
DataDirect Reaches 1.2PB Per Rack Milestone
With its new flagship S2A9900 array the storage firm is offering support for 2TB enterprise and low-power SATA hard-drives moving into production use
Dell Rolls Out Intel ‘Nehalem`-Powered Desktops
Dell is taking advantage of the performance, energy-efficiency and multimedia capabilities in Intel's “Nehalem” microarchitecture with the launch of two new desktops
Linux Defends Against Microsoft By Buying Its Old Patents
A collaborative organisation that enables innovation in open source, has announced the acquisition of 22 Linux-focused patents that were marketed and sold by Microsoft
Review: Google Chrome 3.0 Ups Its Game
Several new features and a perfect Acid3 test score show Chrome 3.0 catching up with its rivals
Microsoft Patch Tuesday Targets More Critical Windows Flaws
All five of the security bulletins in Microsoft Windows in September's Patch Tuesday release are rated critical, including one that addresses a JavaScript engine vulnerability
HTC Continues To Make Mark in Europe with Android-Powered ‘Tattoo’
HTC rolls out another handset powered by Google's Android operating system, the Tattoo, but it will only be available in Europe
Adaptec Launches Hybrid Flash/Disk Storage
An SSD cache upgrades a whole RAID array to solid-state performance, says I/O controller maker
Solid State Disks Fill The I/O Gap
The I/O controller was once a humble device, but it's the key to creating evolved storage systems that get the best out of solid-state and spinning diskĀ evolved into a data conditioning platform
Businesses Failing To Tackle PC Power Management
Global survey reveals the majority of businesses are missing out on the potential cost savings from PC estate power management technologies and policies
eBay Hires Sun’s Green Datacentre Guru
eBay's massive data centre in Utah gets a new hand on the green tiller
Scottish Green IT Credentials Called Into Question
Despite the fact that the Scottish Government is championing green IT, a survey finds sustainable technology is not a top priority nearly half of Scottish businesses
Global Survey Finds Massive Spike in SaaS, Managed Services
A worldwide survey suggests mid-market companies finds growing interest in managed services, SaaS and a more formal approach to IT purchasing decisions
Netgear ‘Readies’ Symantec Backup Exec NAS Storage Links
The networking and storage vendor claims first to install link to Symantec's Windows Servers backup agent directly into its ReadyNAS appliances
Asus Turns Attention From Netbooks to E-Readers
Asus is hoping to do for the e-reader market what it did for PCs when it introduced the first netbook, with reported plans to release two models before the end of the year
Palm To Delete User Apps With webOS 1.2 Update?
Palm is reportedly working on an OS update that will enable it to do an Amazon or Apple on users and delete applications uploaded to its Pre handset
EC To Turn New “E-Leaf” On Google Books Deal
The European Commission has called for a fresh approach to the digitisation of Europe's books following a meeting today to discuss Google's book deal
Handset Makers Increase OLED Screen Demand
A new report has found demand from the likes of Samsung and Nokia may mean LCD screens are poised to the same way of CRT televisions
T-Mobile and Orange Combine To Make New UK Mobile Leader
Joint venture between French and German incumbents gives T-Mobile/Orange the lead in UK mobile market
SAP Nokia and IBM Top The Green Company Index
Nokia, IBM and SAP emerge as green leaders in the technology industry according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, while AMD, TCS and BEA lose out
Reports: HTC Touch HD To Drop Windows For Android
Taiwanese handset maker HTC may be looking to replicate its success with Google's Android platform on its updated Touch HD device
Red Hat’s Whitehurst: What Next For Open Source?
Red Hat can't match Microsoft or Oracle's marketing budgets, but the open source paradigm gives it an advantage in the long term, chief executive Jim Whitehurst told eWEEK Europe
Has Nokia’s Booklet 3G Priced Itself Out of The Netbook Market?
Nokia's Booklet 3G may be too expensive for the netbook market, but analysts say it may compete with higher-end "ultra-thin" laptops
Semantic Search Engine, Yebol Set For November Launch
Startup Yebol promises unlimited semantic search as Google and Bing alternative, but will its 'human knowledge' engine be a differentiator?
Microsoft IIS Vulnerability Gets Hit By Attacks
A zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft's IIS web server is already coming under attack, the company says
Apple Patches Older Version Of Leopard OS
Just a week after the release of its 'Snow Leopard' OS, Apple has patched its predecessor to plug a security gap caused by an outdated Java version