Quiz Of The Week: The Wide World Of SAP

Put your knowledge of SAP to the test with our quiz of the week!

1 min

SAP is one of the world’s biggest technology companies, holding its leading position for over 40 years even as the world has dramatically shifted around it.

Despite its history being firmly centred in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, SAP has continued to innovate over the years, spreading its wings into the likes of cloud computing, the Internet of Things and big data.


Rich history

It’s history may be in software, but SAP is now firmly focused on becoming the go-to vendor for digital transformation, with it’s cloud platform for example continuing to grow

And it’s not only focusing on the business world. It has also, like many other technology companies, been attracted to the world of sports, sponsoring several competitions and working with a range of top teams.

But enough of us, now it’s your time to shine. Find out how much you really know about SAP’s products and history.

Take our SAP quiz!
