After completing this step on one of my test systems, I installed the application I wished to virtualize and then allowed Novell ZAV to capture the differences. Novell ZAV then packaged these differences, along with some Novell ZAV-specific client software, into either an .msi or an .exe that I could deploy to my test clients.
Configuring applications to run in a virtualized fashion can be tricky, but a talented and detail-oriented IT staffer can do the job with a couple of days of practice. So Novell’s addition of preconfigured wizards that build an automatically configured virtual application should not weigh heavily into considering the product. The module can ease the creation of Adobe Reader version 8, several versions of Microsoft Office, Mozilla Firefox and Open Office 2. I ran the wizard on my Office 2003 Professional install and found that it mostly got in the way, so I quickly returned to the old-fashioned method of walking through the snapshot process.
There are some handy tools included in the application packager. It was simple to add run-times, including a number of versions of Microsoft’s .NET Framework or Sun Microsystems’ Java run-time, to my package. The packager also enabled me to process command-line arguments and environment variables, including spawning out child processes within the virtualized environment. These types of advanced features are available in this first version of Novell ZAV because the bulk of the product is based on Code Systems’ Xenocode Virtual Application Studio.
I installed my applications in local sandboxes on my target desktop systems, had them run from USB thumb drives and even installed the applications locally on the hard drive. My test applications ran quickly and smoothly in all cases. I was able to drag documents from the Office sandbox to the Windows desktop, which is a nice user productivity feature.
Novell ZAV was released Sept. 2 and costs $39 (nearly 30 GBP at today’s rate of exchange) per seat, which is in line with competitors’ license costs.