Silicon 360: How A 12 Year Old Used Containers For Minecraft

Roger Ian Dickinson from Cisco explains how one boy’s desire to run Minecraft servers more efficiently is the same as many organisations’ cloud journeys

2 min

Microsoft has been keen to introduce Minecraft into schools ever since it acquired the massively popular game in its $2.5 billion (£2bn) purchase of Mojang back in 2014.

But one revelation at our Silicon 360 cloud panel shows its influence is helping youngsters learn more about the world of technology.

Panelist Roger Ian Dickinson from Cisco explained how his 12 year old nephew embraced cloud technology because of his desire to play the game online.



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“Like any other 12 year old he is mad into Minecraft,” Dickinson explained.” He was hosting Minecraft servers on his Mac but it was overheating because he was running eight servers on it. So I introduced him to Docker and said that might be a more efficient way of managing those servers.”

Within two weeks he found the container platform easy to use but by the next time Dickinson spoke to his nephew, he’d moved onto a SaaS service. This essentially meant he’d  changed his “business model” three times in a matter of weeks

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“My 12 year old nephew went through the same journey as our customers,” quipped Dickinson.

You can hear more about Minecraft containers by viewing the video below. And for more Silicon 360 videos check out our dedicated microsite.

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